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They reached to Jake's apartment door with heeseung still giving Jake a piggyback ride as heeseung was about to put Jake down so he could unlock the door. But Jake whined and flailed his arms around until heeseung gave up on the idea

"How do you expect us to get inside if you don't open the door?" Heeseung asked Jake who was busy playing with heeseung's locks

"I can just tell you the pin" jake said as if it was the most common knowledge. But heeseung was taken aback

"B-but how can you just tell me it" heeseung asked, doubting the reason Jake didn't hesitate to tell him the pin to his house

"Because I trust you.." jake said, now confused as to why heeseung was acting like it was a bad thing "what's wrong hee?" He wondered as heeseung turned his head to look back at Jake as the elder sighed

"I-its just that i didn't think you trusted me enough to tell me something as important as the pin of your house" heeseung confessed, embarrassed at how stupid it sounded

"Uh obviously I trust you. I literally trust you with my life and I know you'd never break it" jake explained before placing a comforting kiss on heeseung's cheek "now open the damn door! Pin is 152423" jake whispered the pin in heeseung's ear as the elder nodded, unlocking the door as the two walked inside the house

But when they entered inside, they were not expecting to find sunoo pinned down on the couch by niki. An audible gasp left Jake's mouth as he climbed off of heeseung

Niki heard the gasp as his head snapped up to find both heeseung and Jake standing by the door, both equally starstruck as he stumbled his way off of sunoo who also sat up as his eyes met with Jake

"O-oh hyungs, your back" sunoo said with an awkward chuckle as he stood up next to niki while Jake marched inside, sitting down on the couch with heeseung following suit

"Explain yourselves!" Jake said as if he were their parent and had caught them both making out. Which was surely the case, based off of sunoo's swollen and bleeding lips aswell as the clearly obvious tent in Jake's sweats which niki was wearing

"W-well we kinda g-got carried away after he kissed me o-out of the blue" niki explained as Jake's mouth hung open, which he hadn't realised until heeseung gently closed it

"Kim sunoo! You did not just make the first move on your crush!" Jake ecstatically said as a proud smile formed on sunoo's face

"Such a pussy you are nishimura riki! I swear you spent hours telling me how you'd confess to sunoo and make the first move. And now here you are" heeseung spoke up as niki reddened in embarrassment of being called a pussy.

But Jake softly slapped heeseung's chest, glaring at him "let them be! Don't forget that you were just as shy after we'd fucked for the first time" jake hissed at heeseung as sunoo swore they looked like a married couple

"That's a different story! We fucked and they just made out Jaeyun" heeseung retorted, quickly shutting up when Jake glared at him once more. He was so fucking whipped for Jake

"But I'm sure they will do something soon enough" jake said, casting a sideways glance at niki's 'problem' before heeseung's gaze followed, eyes widening in shock as niki hid himself behind sunoo " for now let's head to your place. I need to make up for the past few days i didn't come over to make you breakfast"

Upon saying that, Jake stood up and began dragging heeseung with him to the door as he began to put on his shoes while simultaneously forcing heeseung to do the same " also sun, there's some condoms in my bedside drawer if you need em'" jake yelled before he exited the house alongside heeseung who was busy laughing at what Jake said

"Why do you have condoms in your bedside drawer hmm?" He asked as the two of them walked through the rather quiet streets

"Incase you came over and we decided to fuck" jake explained while intertwining his hands with heeseung who had a shit-eating grin on his face at the thought of Jake going to the chemist to buy condoms in his size

They soon reached heeseung's place as both of them entered his house, plopping onto the couch as heeseung began to look through movies for them to watch

But just then Jake got a call as he ushed to heeseung that he'd be picking it up which heeseung nodded to in response

"Hello?" Jake spoke as heeseung paid it no mind. Not until he heard his own adress being recited out. That made him look over at Jake who was reciting heeseung's address into the phone before the call ended

"Who was it and who did you tell them my address love?" Heeseung asked, confused as to who his address was mentioned

"Ah well, i ordered something and the person reached my apartment. But I don't want to disturb sunoo and niki so I told them to drop it here instead " jake explained as heeseung nodded, understanding the situation

A few minutes later the bell rung as Jake went to answer it, coming back into the living room a moment later with a package in hand which he placed onto the coffee table before sitting back down next to heeseung "are you not gonna open it?" Heeseung asked curiously

"N-no i t-think I'll just open it once I get home" jake stuttered over his words as heeseung raised an eyebrow at him pointedly causing jake to sigh in defeat "fine. It's just that, I'm embarrassed by what it is. And I think you'll make fun of me" jake finally explained with a red face

"Jaeyun-ah I'd never make fun of you. I fucking love you idiot!" Heeseung explained with a chuckle, flicking Jake on the forehead as he pointed towards the package "so what's in it?" He asked

"I-its some clothes I ordered" jake told heeseung, not specifying what clothes they were

"Well go and put them on and show me" heeseung quickly said, pushing Jake towards the bathroom "hurry on up love!" Heeseung called behind Jake who walked inside the bathroom

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