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Jake woke up the next morning in the best mood ever. He giddily did his usual morning routine and had the breakfast which sunoo made and left for him

He had time to kill until around 3:30 when he'd need to start getting ready for his job so he spent the time browsing shows on his laptop and on the TV until sunoo got back from his college at 2:30

Sunoo was in his last year of college and was under a lot of stress about finding a sustainable job for himself but Jake had told him several times that he didn't need to stress.

He used himself as an example, Jake graduated from Moon Crest, one of Korea's best colleges with a degree in fashion but he was yet to find a long-term job for himself so he was just going by on part-time jobs

He made sunoo sit down and handed him some water when he told Jake some gossip "you know, while I was at the library today, i was having a hard time getting a book which was on a high shelf. But suddenly a hand reached out to get the book for me" sunoo began to tell Jake "and when I turned around, I was met with this absolutely stunning man. He handed me the book, called me a shortie, ruffled my hair and left! I didn't even get to ask his name"

"Naur way! Oh my god sunoo you just had your very own drama moment! You need to go to the library more often to meet him!" Jake told a now blushing sunoo who nodded and went to take a shower

Jake chilled on his phone until it was around 3:15 when he got up to go change. He put on a simple beige polo and white jeans before grabbing his bag and heading out. His job was only a 5 minute walk from his apartment

When Jake entered, he greeted the security guard who always was there before heading into the staff's changing area where he changed our of his normal clothes and into his full body swim suit. He pushed the door to the pool open as he was immediately greeted by the kids who he taught

If you haven't guessed by now, Jake works as a swim instructor for small kids. But he loves his job, it gives him joy when sees the kids happily play around in the pool with eachother.

Heeseung walked into the swim club after checking his watch 4:35 pm. He'd asked sunoo where Jake worked to surprise him, but he was surprised himself when he found out what Jake's job was.

He entered inside where he could hear the sounds of kids screaming and laughing. But when he heard Jake's voice scold a kid he knew he was at the correct place. He entered inside and immediately spotted Jake inside the pool, teaching a few kids the correct strokes they had to do. He hadn't noticed heeseung who calmly sat on one of the provided seats and watched Jake

Suddenly a loud alarm blared through and all the kids began to exit the pool while waving bye to Jake. After the kids were gone, heeseung watched as Jake checked the clock before doing a quick lap in the pool.

When he was done, he stood on the steps, brushing his now wet blonde locks to the back as he got out. And heeseung almost disintegrated at the sight of Jake. His swimsuit was stretched against his body, defining his muscles

Only then did Jake spot heeseung as he walked upto him, taking his towel as he dried his body "hee hyung how did you know I worked here?" He wondered while moving to dry his hair when heeseung motioned for him to sit down

"I asked sunoo" he told Jake before taking the towel from his hands and drying Jake's hair softly as Jake just watched

When it was dry, heeseung handed the towel to Jake who stood up and excused himself to go change. Heeseung nodded and watched Jake walk away but his gaze was swayed from Jake's back down to his pert ass which swayed as he walked

And heeseung felt his jeans tighten, 'big mistake' heeseung thought as he cursed under his breath at how his cock strained at his jeans.

He distracted his mind and attempted to calm his hormones which apparently resembled those of a hormone-riddled teenager when Jake returned to his side

Heeseung's took one look at Jake and all his hard work flew into the wind. Jake was wearing a simple beige polo and white jeans but according to how heeseung's body was reacting, he might aswell been wearing nothing

"Should we get going hee hyung?" Jake's voice brought heeseung back from his fantasy as he nodded, standing up as both of them exited the building and made their way to the cafe

Once inside, they were greeted with the warm atmosphere and faint smell of coffee which Jake loved. They took a spot at a quiet table at the back of the cafe as heeseung handed Jake his clothes back which Jake took back with a small 'thank you'

They then began to look through the menu to choose what they wanted. Heeseung decided to get an iced americano while Jake got himself a hot chocolate along with a slice of blueberry cheesecake

The waitress came over soon enough, asking for their orders as heeseung ordered while Jake watched. But jake's eye twitched when the waitress touched heeseung's arm to recomend him a dessert

Heeseung ended up getting the dessert as the waitress walked away, Jake's eyes glaring at her back as she entered the kitchen. Heeseung noticed this behaviour and softly grabbed Jake's hand, bringing the male's attention onto him

"Jakey why are you glaring at her like that?" He wondered while looking at a sulky Jake

"Why the fuck did she have to touch your arm and all! She could've recommended you the dessert by pointing on the menu" jake told with a small pout on his face as heeseung couldn't help but chuckle

"Jake are you perhaps..... jealous?" Heeseung wondered as Jake's eyes widened with shock as his cheeks and ears turn crimson red

"I-i- what n-naur wha-what!" Jake stuttered as heeseung just grinned at him causing jake to scoff as he tried to pull his hand away but heeseung held it tighter until Jake gave up

"So you admit it?" Heeseung asked once again as Jake scoffed while swatting at the elder's arm. But heeseung was quicker as he grabbed Jake's hand before holding both his hands in place

And since Jake's hands were considerably smaller than heeseung's, it was easy for heeseung to immobilise both of Jake's hands using only one of his own.

The waitress came back with their food as Jake tried to free his hands to accept his food but heeseung wouldn't let him "ah hyung let go~~" jake whined as heeseung grinned ear-to-ear while shaking his head

"I'll never let go! I'm gonna eat your cheesecake without giving you even a bite" heeseung teased while not even paying attention to the waitress who set down Jake's plate of cheesecake with a bit more force than intended as it startled Jake

"Please be careful! You could've hurt him" heeseung told the waitress, not quite yelling but definitely in a slightly louder tone as the waitress apologizes before walking away as heeseung checks Jake's hand for any injury "are you hurt anywhere?"

"Hyung how would I get hurt when my entire hand is being covered by yours?" Jake wonders with a chuckle as heeseung's mouth forms an 'O' before he releases both of Jake's hand as they begin to have their own things


What is happening 😳
Ngl I love it tho


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