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[bias wrecking me to hell cause we both know I ain't goin to heaven 😶]

After the shower, heeseung gave Jake some clothes to change into while he went to go get Jake some food from a nearby restaurant

But by the time heeseung returned with their food, Jake was aldready passed out on his bed, snuggled into the sheets like a burrito; a cute one at that

Heeseung entered the kitchen, placing the bag of takeout on the counter as he called out to the younger "jake-ah! Come down for food" he called out but when there was no responce, so heeseung made his way upstairs to his room

But when he did, he saw Jake peacefully asleep on his bed, not a scratch on his face. Heeseung sighed in relief as he sat on the bed next to Jake's curled up form "wake up jakey. I bought us food" heeseung softly called out to Jake while brushing the hair that covered his face

"Hmm? Oh hee hyung, did I fall asleep?" Jake wondered while sitting up as heeseung nodded with a smile "did you get the food?" Jake asked once more to which heeseung nodded once more, standing up as he offered a hand to Jake

Jake accepted, standing up with difficulty as he felt the stinging pain in his ass. One surge of pain was enough for him to remember the events of earlier as he couldn't help blush as both of them walked downstairs, heeseung still gently holding Jake's hand as he made him sit down before he began to get their food plated

This gave Jake a chance to think about what would happen now as he was about to speak but heeseung cut him off "Jake about earlier..." he started off, facing Jake as he placed the bowl of soup and plate of dumplings in front of Jake as he sat down in front of him "do you regret it?"

Heeseung wondered, ready to face the harsh rejection. But, "no, I don't regret it" jake said that made heeseung look up at him surprised which, to Jake looked very cute "the thing is hyung, I'm not ready for a relationship yet" jake told heeseung, watching his face droop as Jake panicked

"B-but I do like you. And the sex, fuck I'd love to repeat it. It's just that i have gamophobia, the fear of commitment" jake rambled to heeseung, worried he'd misunderstand. But he got nervous when heeseung didn't say anything "say something hyung. Please " jake asked, voice small as he held heeseung's hand from on top of the table gently

"Jake..." heeseung finally spoke as Jake held his breath in nervousness "i respect your decisions. And I know that gamophobia is difficult to deal with. Which is why, I want to propose an idea for us, for you" heeseung continued as Jake nodded for him to continue

"I would like to propose a friends-with-benifits arrangement for us" heeseung spoke, taking a look at Jake before continuing "we'd be normal friends just with the added perk of occasional sex. We do this until your ready for a relationship. There is no time limit for this arrangement. I'll court you for as long as you need but I won't force you" heeseung fully explained to Jake who just listened

After about a moment of silence he spoke up "ok. I accept this agreement. And thank you for respecting my phobia even though it makes no sense hyung" jake told heeseung who's eyes lit up in excitement "and one more thing, i give you the permission to call me by a special nickname"

"Ooh what is it?" heeseung excitedly asked Jake who smiled at the elder's excitement

"It's.... Jaeyun" Jake told heeseung who's eyes lit up brighter than before "remember your the first to call me this outside my family. It's a special name which I don't allow anyone to call me by. It's my birth name which my parents gave me when we lived in Australia" jake further explained

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