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Jake stumbled back in shock as heeseung wiped his lip. Way too seductively may i add. And while looking RIGHT at Jake

Oh lord Jake was dead on spot. His mind went numb and it felt like he could hear static in his mind

It was only when sunoo (very annoyingly) screached in joy was Jake brought back to reality as he glanced at heeseung who had a half smug half nervous/embarrassed smile on his face

"So how's the steak?" Jay asked heeseung as Jake who had been staring at a wall, looked back at him with curiosity

"It's fucking awesome. I swear man, Jake you need to make this for me again" heeseung boasted as Jake couldn't help blush. He loved when people complimented his cooking... or well anything about him

This was a sort of kink he developed due to the fact that his parents never found him good enough. Due to his older brother jaebeom, his parents had very high expectations from him

And for some odd reason, whatever he did wasn't good enough. If he got a 99 out of 100 on a test, his parents, especially his mom would scream and shout at him about how he was a disappointment in her life and how she should've aborted him when she found out

His dad however would just grab his mother's hand and guide her into their room. But before he'd close the door, he would give Jake a head shake which said 'im disappointed son'

Jake would cry alone in his room for hours on end afterwards. He'd use a pillow to muffle all his wails so his parents wouldn't have one more thing to scold him on. The following morning he'd always go to school with his head down. And he'd keep it down for about two hours until his eyes weren't swollen anymore

That was actually the time he met sunoo. It was one of those days where'd he'd spent the previous night crying and was currently in the school bathroom splashing water all over his face and eyes to help the swelling go down faster

But in his haste, when he tried to grab some tissues he cut his hand. Because the tissue dispenser in their bathroom was a very old metal one with an extremely sharp edge. And that was the breaking point

Jake watched silently with tears running down his face as blood dripped from his hand and onto the floor. But suddenly someone yelled some curse words before he felt a soft hand grab his own injured one

When he looked up to see who the person was, he saw sunoo's soft eyes and burst into tears. And not any tears, they were uncontrollable sobs as he fell to the ground in a boneless heap

But despite how disgusting the floor was, sunoo sat down next to Jake and held him in his embrace and whispered softly to him that it was ok and he should get everything off his chest

Jake didn't realise but they spent about half an hour in the same position. And since the bathroom they were in was one nobody used due to it being at the farthest end of school, no one disturbed them. When he was done, sunoo took him to the school nurse and asked to get his wound treated.

After the nurse was done, sunoo dragged Jake outside the school premises as they both sat under a huge tree while getting to know eachother.

"JAKE HYUNGIE!" Sunoo's voice brought Jake back to the present to see all three of them looking at him concerned

"Finally Jake! Y-something happened to you. One second you were fine and the next you were suddenly crying. Are you ok?" Jay worriedly asked Jake who realised the moisture on his face as he wiped away the tears while sniffling

"Yeah yea I'm fine don't worry. I-uh just had a... flashback" he told them and sunoo immediately understood what happened "anyway! Shall we continue on with our activities for today instead of embarrassing me by reminding me how I've just cried like a kid yeah?" He asked, trying desperately to lighten the mood.

And it worked because everyone resumed eating whole sunoo and Jay began to chat again. 'my god! Do these two not run out of things to talk about!" Jake thought to himself.
But suddenly he felt a hand on top of his own from under the table. He turned to see heeseung was holding his hand as he gave it a single small squeeze before leaning in to whisper in Jake's ear

"Remember jakey, whenever I do this, I'm telling you that you'll be fine" he whispered as jake flushed, his ears turning red as heeseung chuckled

Once they were done with lunch they decided to watch a movie together. So sunoo and Jay got blankets for them all while heeseung and Jake looked for a movie to watch

"Let's watch a horror!" Heeseung suggested but Jake declined immediately "ok fine how about titanic?" He wondered as Jake agreed

"I guess we could. I mean I don't really mind what movie you pick unless it's horror. No horror" jake told him as sunoo and Jay returned with the blankets as the dumped them onto heeseung and Jake who struggled for their life under the weight

Eventually both sunoo and Jay sat down next to Jake who was smushed against heeseung. So close that he could feel the heat radiating off of the elder.

They then began the movie as Jake intently watched as it was one of his favourites even though he said he doesn't mind what movie was picked


When the saddest part of the movie aka the end played, Jake and sunoo were both sniffling.

Heeseung looked at Jake with an unreadable expression. But he was sure it related to something like adoration

"What? Everyone gets emotional during this scene ok! Sunoo's also crying" jake countered with a small pout which heeseung desperately wanted to kiss off

"I never said a word" heeseung told him before checking his watch for the time "holy fuck it's only 4 pm. We need to watch more movies!" He told the others as sunoo quickly looked for another movie which ended up being an anime called 'drifting away'.

After they finished watching that one, they watched yet another anime one called 'ponyo' and Jake personally liked it the best

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