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Jake was looking around while sipping on his drink when he saw heeseung and Jake drinking. Well more clearly, Jay was drinking shot after shot and flirting with girls and heeseung was just standing around, swirling a glass of whiskey in his hand

He must've felt Jake stare because he looked right at him. The sudden eye contact caught Jake off guard as he choaked on his drink a bit. He quickly turned away from him, sorting his coughing fit out as he doesn't dare to look back towards the dude

He continues to drink but all he could think about was the sparks he felt when he shook hands with heeseung. How he said his name and looked towards him for a second longer than sunoo

Speaking of sunoo, the drunk male returned to Jake's side as he was about to order another round of shots but Jake stopped the bartender, telling him to get the drunk one a bottle of water

Sunoo whines but eventually begins to down the bottle of water as Jake quickly finishes his drink, dragging sunoo along with him as he makes his way to Jay

"Hey Jay!" Jake yells over the music but the said male is too busy flirting so he turns to heeseung "heeseung! Can you tell Jay me and sunoo are going home please?"

Heeseung nods and Jake turns on his heels to leave but heeseung holds his wrist, stopping him "how are you both getting home?"

"We'll hail a cab nearby" jake tells heeseung, wanting to head out of the club but heeseung stops him again

"Come on I'll drop you both off. It's late and you shouldn't go alone" he tells Jake, not giving him much choice as he tells Jay before walking out of the club while still not letting go of Jake's hand

When they reach outside of the club, he finally let's go of Jake's hand "stay here ok. I'll go get my car" he tells Jake, taking a side glance at sunoo who was completely wasted, lying his head on Jake's shoulder

A few minutes later a black BMW X3 stopped in front of them as heeseung got out, helping Jake to get sunoo into the backseat.

Once Jake's done making sure sunoo's comfortable he closes the door, seeing as heeseung held the door open for Jake. He couldn't help blush a teeny tiny bit as he got it.

Heeseung closed the door, jogging to the driver's seat as he got in, starting the ignition as he looked towards Jake "can you tell me the directions to your house?"

"Oh yeah. It's xxxxxxx " jake tells heeseung as he backs out of the parking lot.

As heeseung drove to Jake's house, Jake was worried about sunoo accidentally throwing up all over the car as he'd seen the car's logo and realised it was a expensive one.

When the signal hit green, heeseung drove alongside many other cars as he unconsciously began to hum a melody playing on the radio he had on. And Jake liked his singing voice very much.

Infact even the way heeseung drove and handled the steering wheel was extremely hot for Jake. Yep Jake was definitely tipsy. He couldn't possibly be sober and think like this.

Before he knew it, they'd reached his apartment complex and heeseung was opening the door for Jake to get out.

When he got out, he basically dragged sunoo out of the car, slinging his limp arms around Jake's shoulder as he walks towards the elevator with heeseung following behind

Just as Jake is about to press the button for the elevator someone yells to him "oh hey! The elevator is being repaired right now. It won't be working till tomorrow" as Jake sighs in disbelief

He then turns to heeseung "you should head back home now. I'll carry him up" but the elder shakes his head

"I'll help get him up. It'll be quite difficult by yourself" he tells Jake, taking one look at sunoo before he crouches down in front of Jake "come on, get him onto my back"

"What! No no! I'll carry him" jake tries to retaliate but heeseung gives him a look of 'if you don't do what I'm saying I'll whoop your ass'. And even though the thought of getting his ass slapped sounded extremely nice, he complied to the request, helping sunoo to climb onto heeseung's back as he gets up, Jake by his side as they begin their assend upwards

About three floor later, heeseung turns to Jake with the look of 'how much more do I need to carry this fucking fox for?' as Jake quickly tells him "only one more floor to go"

The whole time Jake was in worry that sunoo would throw up all over heeseung but nothing has gone wrong. Until now....

Just as Jake was about to open the door to his apartment, he heard gagging and before he knew it, sunoo had thrown up all over heeseung. Worst of all it had gotten into his hair

Both of them stood still, shocked by what happened before Jake rushed to get sunoo off of heeseung and into the house as heeseung stood like a statue outside the door

As soon as Jake made sunoo lay on the couch, he ran to get some tissue papers to help clean heeseung up. He rushed back towards heeseung as he began to clean his hair and clothes as best as he could

As Jake was about to clean further, he noticed the scratch on heeseung's arm. Since he was wearing a short-sleeved shirt, it was possible that he got scratched by sunoo's righnstone purse

"I-I think you should maybe take a shower?" He suggests to heeseung who nodded before Jake gently tugged on his hand to let him inside the house.

"I-uh could you tell me where the bathroom is?" Heeseung asks as Jake points to the bathroom which was in his room as it was the closest to the living room. Just as he is about to walk towards it, Jake stops him

"You scratched your arm. It'll sting if you just get into the shower like this. If you could wait one minute, I'll clean in up for you. Then you can shower" jake tells him as heeseung acknowledges the scratch for the first time. He nodded nonetheless as Jake ran to go get the medical kit

When Jake got back, heeseung was still standing stiffly. Jake walked towards him, making him sit on the couch as he sat on the floor as it would make things quicker. He quickly got out the cotton and antiseptic, dabbing the cotton onto his scratch "I'll apply a bandaid on it after your bath. So you can get the water going, I'll bring you some clothes"

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