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[never getting over this man!]

When they finished their food, which ended with heeseung taking a chunk of Jake's cheesecake and Jake taking a huge bite of heeseung's caramel chocolate cupcake in return, both of them walked towards the counter to pay when Jake remembered the bet with sunoo

"Ah excuse me~! Can I get one choco-coffee donut and one choco-caramel donut to go please?" Jake asked the worked who gave him a kind smile as she packed the donuts and handed them to Jake

"What are those for? A midnight snack?" Heeseung wondered as the same waitress from earlier rounded up their bill

"What naur! A new reality TV show came out yesterday called 'love dive' and both of us made a bet that if we guessed who'd be eliminated correctly we got our favourite food or drink bought by the loser. He won so I'm getting him the choco-coffee donut and well the choco-caramel is for me" jake explained as heeseung nodded understandingly

"But in the end you did get yourself a midnight snack. So I was right" heeseung told Jake who acknowledged his words when the waitress's squeaky and annoying voice cut through their conversation

"Your total is $20.43. Cash or card?" She spoke as Jake was about to hand her his card but heeseung stopped him, giving his own card to her instead as Jake looked at him half dumbfounded and half annoyed

"I wanted to pay. Why did you~~?" Jake whined to heeseung who just grinned

"I'll spend the money and you can spend your time with me instead" heeseung said while shooting Jake a wink as Jake scoffed, nonetheless blushing as both of them walked out of the store

It was still early so both of them decided to roam around outside where it was nice. It was early September so it was just starting to get chilly outside. But it would still rain a few times.

Both of them walked in silence before Jake's feet began to ache from his earlier swimming class. He could also feel a throbbing pain at the base of his foot "hee hyung could we sit down for a bit?" He anxiously asked as heeseung nodded, guiding Jake to a nearby bench as both of them sat down as Jake sighed in relief

They were in silence before heeseung began to make small talk "so, which college did you go to?"

"I uh went to Moon Crest" jake replied as heeseung turned to face Jake with a bewildered look "don't look at me like that! I'm not joking" jake told heeseung who just nodded before gazing back to the calm river ahead of them

As Jake looked at the river up ahead aswell, he thought back to everything that has recently happened. He had a sudden flashback after heeseung complimented him even though his last 'flashback' had been months ago, he developed feeling for him, they almost kissed, and........

....And Jake was officially asleep. While he was zoned out, his brain decided to shut off as his head slowly leaned onto heeseung's shoulder

"Jake we should probably head back" heeseung told Jake, expecting s response. But when none came, he looked to his side to find Jake passed out while still clutching the box of donuts.

Heeseung couldn't help chuckle at the cuteness of Jake as his lips formed a pout which heeseung desperately wanted to kiss off. But instead he stood up carefully, putting the box of donuts into Jake's bag which he slung around his back

He then gently picked Jake up, since Jake's bag was slung onto his back, and he wouldn't appreciate having his donuts smushed, heeseung slid one arm under Jake's knees and the other one under his waist as he lifted Jake up

Jake was... surprisingly light. Definitely lighter than sunoo, heeseung realised as he began his 5 minute walk to his house

While walking, Jake suddenly shifted position and seemed to be talking in his sleep. Heeseung leaned closer to hear better as he heard "wanna cuddle. Cold" from Jake who put his arms up in his sleep

Heeseung chuckled again at the scene but when Jake whined again and managed to slip out of heeseung's grip, heeseung sighed and decided to give the boy what he wanted. Who knew sleeping Jake was so bossy

Heeseung slowly out his arms under Jake's thighs as the male quickly climbed onto heeseung, wrapping his legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

The absurdity of the situation was making heeseung chuckle as he finally made it to his house. He dug his pocket before eventually finding the key as he unlocked the door with Jake still clinging onto him like a koala.

Heeseung entered inside as he kicked his shoes off and closed the door using his foot before walking upstairs into his room. His house only had one furnished room and he didn't think Jake would be comfortable on the couch

So heeseung dropped him onto his bed like a sack of rice as Jake, only realising he was in a bed, snuggled into the sheets as heeseung let out a tired sigh as he walked downstairs to keep the box of donuts in the refrigerator aswell as getting himself a glass of water

After he drank the water, he decided to head to bed because he was exhausted. When he returned to his room, Jake's shirt was thrown on the floor as the blanket was also almost being kicked off

Heeseung opened his closet as he quickly fished out a shirt and sweatpants to wear as he changed his clothes before getting into bed beside Jake ashe pulled the blanket over both of them

Jake's back was facing him as he stared at the moles while his fingers itched to touch them. But he refrained himself. He turned to lay on his side as he just admired Jake's figure.

But Jake decided to end heeseung's peaceful moment by shifting back until his ass was pressed right against heeseung's dick.

Heeseung let out a exasperated sigh as he felt himself get hard. But it wasn't Jake's fault, he's asleep.

But of course even if he was asleep it didn't mean he couldn't turn heeseung on beyond normal. Heeseung was aldready hard when Jake shifted further back, loving the warmth radiating from heeseung's body as a content moan escaped his mouth

But if course that was bad for heeseung as the filthy sound travelled all the way down to his cock which was threatening to rip a hole through his sweats.

But it wasn't like he could do anything about it. He wouldn't risk jerking off when Jake was asleep. So he did what he could, he decided to sleep it out. Or away...?

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