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Heeseung walked towards where Jake was sitting, his gaze not leaving the dude for a second. He reached both of them as he put a hand on Jake's shoulder, getting his attention

"Hey love, I was looking for you. I think sunoo went to the bathroom a while back but he hasn't returned" he said with concern before pretending to notice the guy who had an annoyed look on his face, not like heeseung gave any fucks

"Do you know him?" The mystery man asked Jake, possibly looking for a way to shoo heeseung away or drag Jake away. But obviously heeseung wouldn't let him win

"Yes, yes i do. And I would also like to go look for my friend" Jake cut in just as heeseung was about to reply, lethality coating his calm words "so jihoon I'll get going now "

But the dude wasn't letting this go "could you atleast give me your number? I would want to have a coffee with you" the dude, jihoon was clearly not understanding the fact Jake was not interested

This time however, Jake's reply was sharper "no, jihoon. I don't want to give you my number because unless you are fucking brain-dead, which you are mind you, you'd realise that my boyfriend is standing right beside me. Thank you, jihoon"

Jake grabbed heeseung's hand, walking away as heeseung had to hold himself back from not laughing at fucking jihoon's shocked face

Jake dragged heeseung far away from the bar before he turned to face heeseung who had the proudest smirk on his face "that was...wow jaeyunie!" Heeseung told Jake who couldn't help smile bright at both the compliment and the nickname

Jake quickly scanned around, finding sunoo before he looked back at heeseung "i see sunoo. Also sorry I called you my boyfriend earlier. That fucking dude wouldn't leave me be" jake told heeseung who nodded understandingly "so uh if you don't mind, could we go get me a drink? I don't wanna go alone incase jihoon is there again" jake asked, seemingly not realising that he was still holding heeseung's hand and playing with his ring

But heeseung was definitely aware, despite it he nodded as Jake began to basically drag him towards the bar.

Once they reached the bar, Jake leaned his elbows on the bar as he was about to tell heeseung to join him but just then someone stood next to him instead. Jake looked up to see jihoon sitting there

'can this dude not fucking stop' heeseung thought to himself, rolling his eyes before he leaned down to Jake's height "order what you want love. I won't let him annoy us hmm?"

At hearing this, Jake's heart almost combusted. But he managed to nod before looking through the bar menu for something to have

Heeseung meanwhile had his eyes dead set on fucking jihoon who was trying to scoot closer to Jake. He watched how Jake ordered himself a drink and fucking jihoon asked the waiter for the same thing ' typical obsessed shit' heeseung thought to himself before he got an idea

He stepped behind Jake before placing both of his hands on either sides of Jake's ones. That move caused heeseung to be fully pressed against Jake because the male was half leaned. And god heeseung could feel the curve of Jake's ass against himself

But Jake wasn't expecting this,so he froze like a deer in headlights when heeseung leaned down until his mouth hovered the shell of Jake's ear "sorry jaeyunie. Someone would've bumped into you. Plus jihoon isn't done yet so this is the best way I can keep him away hmm?" Heeseung calmly explained, watching from the corner of his eye how jihoon's face scrunched in anger. Like heeseung cared

"It's ok hyung. And thank you" jake told heeseung before the bartender got his drink and Jake stood up straight.

But heeseung wasn't paying attention, all his attention was diverted to jihoon who was trying to discreetly take a photo of Jake. Which is why Jake's ass brushed against his now hard cock causing heeseung to press himself into Jake "love what are you doing?" Heeseung whispered in Jake's ear before gently turning him around

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