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Heeseung woke up the next morning with a slight headache

But as he opened his eyes and looked around, he was mortified to find a bare torso sleeping next to him. It took him a second to realise that it was Jake sleeping next to him and that he himself was in Jake's house, in his room and in HIS bed

Heeseung allowed himself to stare at Jake's bare back for another minute before he slowly got up, careful not to wake up the younger

He made his way outside when he heard someone singing along to Taylor Swift. He walked towards the kitchen and realised that it was infact sunoo who was making breakfast while singing Taylor Swift's Love story

When he noticed heeseung he flinched a bit "oh hey good morning heeseung. I figured you'd stayed based off of the shoes." Sunoo tells him as heeseung sits on one of the stools "uh anyway I'm-uh really sorry about last night. I d-have a really bad alcohol tolerance. So to make up for it, i made you waffles and coffee"

Sunoo tells him before sliding a plate of waffles and a mug of coffee towards him as heeseung thanks him before he takes a sip of his coffee. He then tried the waffles which tasted absolutely amazing as he gave sunoo a big thumbs up which caused the fox-like boy to smile

Suddenly the sound of a door opening and closing was heard as sunoo looked somewhere behind heeseung "morning Jake hyung~ I made you your favourite blueberry waffles and coffee. Extra sweet, just how you like it" sunoo excitedly tells the male

"Yeah yeah I know you're trying to butter me up because of the shitshow you caused last night but I accept cause you made the best food" jake replies, voice atleast three times deeper than usual as heeseung feels the male walk past him

He looks up to see Jake getting himself a glass of water as he proceeds to learn on the counter giving heeseung a full view of Jake's abs. And heeseung spent a few seconds shamelessly starring before he forced himself to focus back on his waffles.

A minute later, he heard the stool beside him move as he looked to see Jake sit down right next to him, so rudely infiltrating his nose with his scent.

"Pass me my breakfast sun" jake tells sunoo who passed Jake's coffee and waffles as Jake is about to take a bite but remembers "oh good morning heeseung. Did you sleep well?" He wonders, facing heeseung who just nodded

"That's nice. Well anyway sun can you please pass me some whipped cream for the waffles" he asks sunoo who pulled out the can of whipped cream

"Here I'll put it on for you" sunoo says as he begins to pipe the whipped cream over the waffles. And he's doing it well until he accidentally ends up spraying it all over Jake "oops" sunoo says before Jake yells

"KIM FUCKING SUNOO! I swear I'm gonna make you lick every speck off!"  Jake yells as he chases behind sunoo who was running around the whole house

Heeseung just watched with a chuckle before sunoo is suddenly running towards him and hiding behind him when Jake catches up "sunoo get your ass here!" He yells as sunoo holds onto heeseung for dear life

"Bitch no! I'm not gonna lick whipped cream off of you! I'm not taking part in your kinky acts!" Sunoo yells back as Jake scoffs in disbelief

He takes a step forward in hopes of catching sunoo. As he lunges one hand out to try and get a hold of sunoo, he ends up accidentally shoving his chest into heeseung's face, getting the whipped cream which was on his chest all over heeseung's mouth

"Oh god! I-i am so sorry about that heeseung" jake apologizes to heeseung, glaring daggers at sunoo who was laughing his ass off behind heeseung

"I-its fine" heeseung says, wiping away the whipped cream that was on his face with his finger as he proceeds to put the finger into his mouth, eating the whipped cream as he hums in approval of its taste

The act made jake blush with how wrong it looked as he silently went and got himself a tissue to clean the rest of the whipped cream off of himself

When he was done he saw sunoo about to take a bite of his waffles as he grabs a cleaver, pointing it at sunoo who paused "hyung calm the fuck down! Ok I'm not gonna eat your food! Jeez" sunoo assures the elder, stepping away from the food as Jake keeps the cleaver back, noticing how heeseung was grinning at him

"What?" He asks heeseung who chuckles

"You both are so chaotic. Just like Jay told me. Which mind you, he talks about you both a lot. A little more about sunoo but a lot about you too Jake" heeseung explains as sunoo walks towards Jake

"Yeah? That's sweet of him" sunoo says before turning to Jake who was finishing up his waffles "hyung you should probably go take bath"

By then heeseung is done eating so he gets up, keeping his plate in the sink as he turns to the two "thanks for letting me stay the night. I'll get going now. Bye sunoo, bye Jake" heeseung tells the two before making his way into Jake's room to get his clothes and phone after which he leaves

Jake walked him to the door as he waved bye to him, closing the door after heeseung walked down the stairs.

He then walked back into his room, getting himself a towel and a change of clothes before he got into the shower

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