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When heeseung eventually woke up, he see Jake cuddled up against him as a happy grin formed on his face.

Gently he woke Jake up, who grumbled annoyedly but sweetened after seeing it was heeseung "being biased are we now? You were ready to kick me to Mars when you didn't know you it was" heeseung teased as Jake slapped his chest playfully

But heeseung held onto Jake's arm, pulling him on top of himself as Jake was in pure shock as heeseung sat up with his back against the headrest. His arms stayed wrapped around Jake's waist as he pulled Jake close, kissing him on the lips

Jake kissed him back as they indulged in a soft and passionate kiss. The kiss so soft compared to how sinfully they fucked a few hours ago

His ass surely stung but it was surely worth it. "Can you not be horny 24 by 7?" Jake asked heeseung, feeling him twitching underneath him as heeseung shrugged

"Not my fault you're the sexiest little slut alive" heeseung whispered before picking Jake up as they both headed downstairs. Jake tried to tell heeseung to let him go but he wouldn't listen, insisting that it was his right to be able to carry Jake wherever possible

He sat Jake down on the countertop before deciding to make some simple ramen for them both as Jake watched from his place before realising "you know hyung, this feels like deja vu" he told heeseung who turned to face him

"How so hmm?" He asked, leaning back on the counter as he waited for Jake for reply

"Well remember around a month ago you stayed over after sunoo threw up all over on you and the next day you came back with Jay and I was cooking while you sat on the countertop next to where I was cooking?" Jake told heeseung as he nodded, remembering the incident

"But things are different. Sunoo hasn't thrown up on me, your not cooking and.." he paused, leaning forward towards Jake "last time you almost kissed me, but this time I will kiss you" he said before giving Jake another kiss

It was just a small peck as he pulled back soon enough, focusing back on the ramen which was now done. He brought the pot to keep on the counter before taking a seat as he looked towards Jake "come on, sit down will you now" he said, Patting the seat next to him as Jake came and sat next to him

The meal was filled with jokes and laughter as Jake felt happy to be spending time with heeseung once more

Once lunch was done, they decided to watch a movie when the doorbell rung "I'll go get it!~" jake told heeseung who was busy picking the movie

Jake opened the door as niki and Jay stumbled inside "oh Jake hyung! What are you doing here?" Niki asked as the three settled in the living room

"A-ah I came to see how you were doing but since hyung told me you were fine and had gone out to an amusement park with Jay, I just spent time with hyung" jake explained to niki who nodded. But Jay gave them both a side eye

"By 'hang out' you mean you fucked with him again?" Jay bluntly asked as Jake glared at him. Sharply.

"Eww Jay hyung! Can you not be petty about their love life just cause you're single as fuck?" Niki irritatedly fires back as Jay is left flabbergasted while heeseung gives the grinning niki a high five

"Niki baby no! You do not diss your hyung like that!" Jake scolded niki as heeseung looked at Jake with his hands crossed

"Enough father-son shit! Let's watch the movie now" jay interrupts the two as Jake grumpily sighs, climbing onto heeseung's lap as he settled himself comfortably with a blanket over them while Jay and Niki huddle under another blanket

"You know jaeyun-ah" heeseung whispered in Jake's ear, snaking his arms around the younger's waist "it's cute that you call niki 'baby' but that nickname isn't really meant between you and him, it's rather meant for you and me don't you think?" He asked before placing a soft yet sensual kiss on Jake's neck

Jake said nothing but definitely felt that he should never use that nickname for niki around heeseung again. He cleared his throat slightly, deciding to focus on the movie instead of heeseung and his words.

That would be for another time. Probably later that night


I know I'm posting after quite a while but you know how you start watching a series and like it so much that push all your other things for later?
Yeah that just happened to me

I started watching 'Alchemy Of Souls' recently and I'M OBSESSED
I don't think I'll ever find a series better than it. But I just watched the last episode of the first season last night and...
Well to say i cried would be an understatement

Anyways enjoy the chapter~~


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