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[enter Yang Jungwon!]

Jake moaned out loud as he came again for probably the fifth time since the morning

Heeseung followed up with his own orgasm soon after as he moved off of Jake to lay down, heaving as an aftermath

What was happening you ask? Well Jake was woken up about two hours ago by a desperate and horny heeseung

And well, they ended up fucking a couple of times after that

"I swear to god! I'm never sleeping next to you again" jake grumbled as heeseung couldn't help laugh

It was a low gutteral laugh which made desire pool at the pit of Jake's stomach as a small smile formed on his own face

"Come on now love, let's get you cleaned up and then you can make us your special breakfast" heeseung said while pulling Jake onto his feet and guiding him to the bathroom

"Hey why me! It should be you" Jake retorted while heeseung began to fill the bathtub for them

"Because you can atleast make food other than ramen" heeseung reasoned with him as both of them soaked in the warm bath

Around half an hour later, both of them were downstairs in the living room feasting on the pizza they got

Yes, they got the pizza because Jay came over with his boyfriend and some pizza

"So you both are now dating?" Jake asked for confirmation as he looked between Jay and his former colleagues/bestfriend from when he had a part time job at a nursery during high school

"Yes jakey" jungwon said with a sigh as Jake nodded, taking another bite of his pizza as he continued to look between the two sitting in front of him

"Quit it bitch! I'm serious about won" jay snapped at Jake, annoyed by the judgy look Jake was giving him

"Chill dude! Fine I believe you! It's just weird when I know all too well how you used to switch girls every week" jake said with his hands up in defeat whilst curling closer to heeseung

"So how long have you both been dating?" Jungwon asked Jake as the latter turned crimson red

"We're not dating yet. I'm still courting him" heeseung explained quickly as Jungwon nodded understandingly

"I always knew you'd do something like this jakey" jungwon teased Jake while giggling as he took a sip of his water

Jake grinned back at him before they decided to watch a movie to spend the day

"Also what's up with sunoo and niki? Neither of them picked up when I called them earlier " Jay asked while helping Jake keep the empty pizza box away

"They're probably too busy fucking!" Heeseung yelled from the living room as Jay looked at Jake in disbelief. But when Jake nodded, Jay's mouth hung open in shock

"They both like eachother and we kinda accidentally cockblocked them yesterday" jake quickly summarised for Jay who numbly nodded at the new information


Short ass chapter
And I'm sorry about it but I promise the next chapter will make up for it

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter~~


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