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[man lives rent-free in my mind. And for what!]

When Jake woke up the next morning, he was expecting to be wrapped up in his usual creme sheets. But instead he was surprised to find himself laying under a pile of gray duvets.

He wondered when he changed the sheets from creme to gray. Just as he was about to get up, he was pulled back by two strong arms wrapped around his waist

Uh oh. He didn't remember having anyone over. Hell he didn't even remember how he got home last night.

The arms pulled Jake closer to himself as a content sigh left the person's mouth. Jake was confused about who it was until he saw the familiar plain black ring which belonged to heeseung

Jake had noticed it when heeseung was over. He'd noticed how the elder would fiddle with it when he was bored. Jake physically relaxed at the thought that it was no stranger with him and in fact was heeseung

Jake just lay peacefully while trying to recall last night's events as he unintentionally began to play around with heeseung's hand and the ring

What he didn't know was that heeseung had been awake long enough to see the thought bubbles apear over top Jake's head "what's going on in that pretty little head of yours so early in the morning hmm?" Heeseung wondered as Jake's insides melted at heeseung's hoarse and husky voice

"I-uh I was thinking about last night's events but I can't seem to remember how we got here" jake wondered as heeseung made him turn around to face him as Jake's face came flush against heeseung's chest.

He looked up at heeseung with one cheek all bunched up as heeseung couldn't help chuckle at the cuteness "well if you're wondering, you fell asleep on me and i-uh I carried you to my place because it was closer" he told Jake whose face formed an 'O' as he nodded

"Thanks hee hyung. You probably could've woken me up but this works too" he told heeseung who nodded before he checked his watch 9:13 am

"We should probably get up now. We can brush our teeth and then you can wait downstairs while I take a shower first yeah?" Heeseung told Jake who nodded, getting out of bed as he admired the room's decor.

Heeseung brushed past him to his closet and handed Jake a sweatpant along with an old shirt to change into. "Thanks hyung!" Jake told heeseung as heeseung pointed towards the bathroom so that Jake could change while heeseung decided to lay back down as his back and shoulders were a bit sore from last night

He laid down while thinking of what to make for breakfast and what he had to do for the day. But suddenly he remembered to tell Jake to call sunoo who must be worried

Meanwhile Jake had entered the bathroom and decided to quickly change into heeseung's given clothes. Because he had a growing urge to be surrounded by heeseung's scent.

So Jake took off his jeans and put on the shirt heeseung gave him. Since heeseung was much bigger than Jake, his clothes were huge on him. But Jake loved it, because there was nothing Jake loved more than oversized clothes.

He put the shirt on which covered him up till his knees as he couldn't help but look at himself in the mirror, his small frame being covered by heeseung's shirt.

Just as he was about to continue his little 'fashion show' thingy, the door opened as heeseung's head peaked through

But when heeseung opened the door, he was not expecting to be met with the scene of Jake in his shirt. ONLY his shirt

Yes it did come down till his knees but god did it look good on him. Jake just stared at heeseung who's eyes trailed all the way from his head to toe, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind

Heeseung's throat bobbed with a hard swallow as he felt his cock harden at the view. But he cleared his throat, forcing himself to look back at Jake's face "i-uh I was thinking you should probably call sunoo. He must be worried" heeseung told Jake who nodded before heeseung closed the door

He then proceeded to lean against the wall, closing his eyes as he cursed at his cock which was throbbing.

By then Jake opened the door to let heeseung in who looked for a toothbrush for Jake to use. He found one before they brushed their teeth and Jake splashed water on his face

"I'll wait downstairs while you take a shower ok?" Jake told heeseung who nodded.

So Jake made his way downstairs as he wandered his way into the kitchen. And the more he looked, the more he realised that heeseung had impeccable taste.

He sat down on a stool and had the idea to make breakfast for both of them. Considering heeseung carried Jake, the most he could do to pay him back is make breakfast.

So he scanned through all the the things in the kitchen before deciding on making some simple souffle pancakes. So he got out a bowl and began to mix the egg yolks with milk and flour

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