marco polo

429 9 7

-Niragis pov-

me and chishiya made our way with the rest of the players to the main lobby.
"You got something on your face, starving Marvin"
Chishiya says sarcastically and sighs as I try to wipe whatever was on my face off.

once again, the dice rolled around, It landed on the number 7 this time.
Door number 7 opened this time, and we all made our way inside. The door revealed a very small grey room, with two elevators, labeled 'side one' on the first elevator, and 'side two' on the other. I wonder what that could mean..?

-The ai voice-

"Game: Marco polo.
You and your game partner will start on opposite sides of the maze, both partners will have to answer a series of questions, and if correct the maze walls will open up leading you to your partner, you will not come face to face with other players during this time. when both you and your partner make it to the final room press the two big red buttons together. If a question is answered incorrectly before reaching the final room, it is game over.
we apologize for any inconvenience one might face because of another player. Let the game commence!"

-the voice finished-

Me and chishiya shot eachother a quick glance, Inconvenience because of another player?... the fuck was that supposed to mean?

I entered elevator 'side two' and chishiya obviously went into the 'side one' elevator.
The other players did the same, and just like that we were separated from our team partners, and I couldn't say I was disappointed, I finally could catch a break from that sarcastic blond, the way he looked so calm all the time... it pissed me off!
The elevator door closed and the elevator started going down, not only would it go down, it also went sideways? I could feel the elevator start and move sideways taking us to what I assumed was the other side of the so called maze...
I glanced over at a girl in the elevator, she was shaking so badly I thought her slutty clothes would fall right off! She was blond and looked like a typical girl you would see in a kdrama. I glanced around at the other people in the elevator, yet most were older and not-so-attractive... oh well.

The elevator finally stops and the doors open. I get out of the elevator and stand infront of what looked to be a grass maze, but it had a hole bunch of different entrances all labeled off with number-stones on the ground.. wich way do I go?


... my phone lit up and showed number 5, that answers my question then.. I go and stand infront of the entrance with the number 5 carved into the ground. I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous knowing I had so little information about this game.. and no way in hell I was going to admit that outloud!.. but what made all this even worse I didn't have my precious gun with me. I felt myself get even more nervous waiting for the bell telling us to start.
The game sounds simple.. we go through this 'maze' in a straight line, and when we answer the question it gives us right the wall infront of me will open up letting me continue going forwards, this will repeat until I reach the last room, probably after chishiya. Then we hit the big red buttons and were free... why was I so stressed? This game is so simple. Mabey it was what that ai voice said about other players mistakes could cause 'inconveniences'.
I still don't know what it ment by that, but I'm sure I was about to find out...

Chishiya would definitely be making fun of me if he saw me right now. I wonder what he's doing on the other side?... that blond brat is probably all calm- hell he's probably bored!
I thought to myself as the bell rang, let the game commence I guess...

-chishiyas pov-

Finally the bell rang, meaning the game started. The wall infront of me opened like a garage door, allowing me to make my way through path number 5.
As i entered the first room, the screen lit up. The first question


'3676 - 2008'
Seriously? The first question was 3676 subtract 2008? That's easy.

"One thousand, six hundred seventy-eight"

I said outloud as my answer. I remember, I was always called different as a kid because I was a so-called 'child prodigy', But the only difference between me and them now is I get to live and they dont, that is if they also happen to be in the borderlands or whatever this place was called.

the screen turned green and the wall opened up allowing me to continue moving forwards.
Once again I was greated with a big white screen and another wall that would soon open for me. And it was the same every time, wall and screen over and over again.
How many walls did I have to go through? How big is this maze? And how long was this game going to last?... I was honestly bored of answer such simple math questions, throw a riddle or something at me!
I sighed answering the question displayed on the screen, and it again glowed green. Taunting me.

As I walked forwards into the next room, I heard some girl screaming.
What was her problem?... oh nevermind- she probably got a question wrong. Her screems grew louder, she must have been in the room RIGHT next to me. Just my luck...



-niragis pov-

I heard a loud bang go off not to far in the distance. Somone definitely got a question wrong.. let's hope it's not me next!
I thought answering the question.
Lucky for me all the hard questions probably went to chishiyas end, not that he would consider them hard anyways, but I was for sure glad when I realized all my questions were just easy riddles!

The screen lit up, revealing the riddle:

"No legs have I to dance, no lungs have I to breathe, no life have I to live or die and yet I do all three. What am I?"...

Wow, it almost sounded like poetry! It sounds like a question I would overhear Chishiya asking kuina to keep her from what he called "yappin' and bothering" him... why was I thinking about him at a time like this!?

"The answer is fire"
I said shrugging my earlier thoughts off.

The wall opened and I was confused when the screen didn't light up. I turned around and was two big red buttons.... two big red buttons..
It took me a second but it finally hit me.
I DID IT! I completed all the questions!
I look around the small room for chishiya, where is he? Is he not here yet?.... he's not.
I GOT HERE BEFORE CHISHIYA!?.. how- no why? Where the fuck is he?
There's no way I'm here first.. I'm smart but not that smart! Unless chishiyas questions were REALLY hard to solve..
I smiled thinking about it. I got here before chishiya! I'm never going to let him live this down!
I let out an audible victory cheer before I sat down near the wall to relax. Man I loved this game! I can't believe I was so stressed before.

Chapter 3 RAHHHHHH I always think these chapters are short but it let's me update quicker so it's a win!

(1265 words)

Mr.gunman (Niragi x chishiya)Where stories live. Discover now