the slides (part 2)

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(Omg, the author is alive 😍? YEAH I'm also surprised tbh but anyway-)

He said, purposely bumping into me.
I was starting to feel a bit tired, niragi was like dealing with- well.. niragi.
I sigh, and niragi gives me a look. Before I start to walk again.. this time with a planned destination..
The slides.

-Niragis pov-
I follow the blond for a while, he seemed to know where he was going. Although the reason I said that stuff earlier was just because I was bored, and wanted to get under chishiyas skin- wich obviously didn't work. What I said was true! He really was like an emotionless robot, and he seemed to not even care! The bitch even called me a dumbass! Now I'm still following him around like a helpless puppy, waiting for him to point out flags, or even fill me in on where the absolute fuck we were going...

I look of at the pools that we were gradually getting farther away from, I wonder what would happen if chishiya were to slip near them and fall in, I don't think the hydrophobic mother fucker can swim anyways. I've never seen him once in the utopias pool. Or if the lights in the pools broke, and he somehow was in the pool to be electrocuted. He would probably electrocute himself, because he's like a robot, mabey he actually is a robot? that must be why he dosnt like water. How fun, him being electrocuted would make my day...
I wonder what would happen if that happened to me though... I like to think I would be strong enough to just.. not die, you know? Get electrocuted, but then pull myself out of the pool like a God and be like 'yeah, electrocution dosnt work on me' haha, I totally would.

I continued following chishiya away from the pools, and towards the slides. The big slides, I mean. Like- these things were touching the roof, these big ass slides looked like somthing you would see on the news that somone fucking flew off and died, killing 3 others on the way down. They were looped to make it even better, becuse the builders knew if it was straight the momentum of somone going down would be like a nuclear bomb when they hit the water. This just keep getting better and better.

"Chishiya, how fucking far do you plan on taking me? I don't think any flags are over here anyway"

I said, to wich he quickly responded-

"Shut up"

.... this blond bitch.. the audacity! If I wouldn't literally be shot down for harming him during this game... his ass would be down. If only I could get even one hit in, it would be so satisfying! Just a small punch to his sarcastic ass face...

"Your a bitch, you know that?"

I say pushing my way infront of him, my turn to lead, who's the dog now? Fucking blondie

-chishiyas pov-

"Your a bitch, you know that?"

Niragi says, shoving his way past me... did he even know where to go? I decided to just let him make a fool of himself, see where we end up. He honestly reminds me of a toddler. A raging, bratty toddler... that is.
I wonder if anyone has ever said that to his face. Probably not, but I would love to see his reaction if some random person said that to him... he wouldn't react much if I said it, but if some random person he expected to dominate over told him he somthing like that.. take my money.

"So, where exactly are you leading us now?"

I ask, he ignores me at first. And just keeps walking, but eventually answers

"Let's just.. check the slides out, mabey there's some flags around them, or even on them. The game instructions did say they were hidden everywhere around, meaning they could be up there"

He nodds to himself as if he just figured the whole game out... but, he was right. The game did say everywhere, so I geuss it wouldn't hurt to check up there also.

Eventually, me and niragi get to the slides. And immediately I can see things, 3 flags hidden around the place. One taped to the bottom of the stairs, one on the wall, and one farther up the stairs, leading to the top of the slide. I look over at niragi, who was already looking at me. He didn't move, he just stood there looking at me.


I asked, he keep looking at me though... was he possessed?

"So, like... do you see any flags or what?"

He asked... are you serious. I give him a quick judgmental look, and he frowns.

"Just fucking point and I'll go get the-"

I cut him off.

"There's one right there, on the wall. Another under the stairs, and another up them a bit... wall one is white, so I geuss it kinda blends in, but the one underneath the stairs is literally bright blue, and the one up there is orange. Are you color blind or somthing?"

I ask, he looked at me offended, and he sighs.

"I'm not, I just can't focus on where they are, there small and hard to find. Your the one who can spot anything difrent, ya' freak."

He storms off to get the flags. Sensitive much... so he can't focus? I geuss I could kinda tell, for most people it's harder to find things when your looking for them, I've been told... he didn't have to call me a freak though.
I follow him up the stairs. We had 27 flags now, placing us in 3rd place. First place had 30, second had 29, we as 3rd place again, had 27. And bellow us was 4th place with 16 flags, 5th place had 8, and 6th place had only 2 flags, meaning 114 out of 120 flags have been found. Only 6 flags left..  and As long as me and niragi stayed up in 3rd place, we would win.

Yay 😍 chapter who even knows is finished!
Anyway, I'm back and motivated after being in my death bed for like 3 weeks mabey? Idk. I had the flew, and while my immune system was week.. I caught covid! Wtf is the world after me? 😨 but I'm better now, didn't die obviously. Still have a cough because the world hates me apparently but we don't talk about that 😍
THANK YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH for reading and voting for 'Mr.gunman' please continue to support me and the series as it continues with more ideas and motivation than ever before‼ :D

(1117 words)

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