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...he opens the closet door, and obviously sees chishiya in there, as he raised his gun to chishiyas head... I feel myself shaking... I'm sorry chishiya...


-still niragis pov-

I watch the body fall to the ground, and I release the breath I held for so long, greedily sucking in the air around me.
I rush over to the closet and past the body, not of chishiya, but the man I shot. This was my plan all along, but I needed to use chishiya as a distraction.

"You alright?"

I ask him, and he nodds while getting out of the closet.

"I thought you were gonna let him shoot me"

Chishiya says only somwhat sarcastic, and I feel a bit bad... before, 100% no thought about it. But that was before, this is now...

"I would never, chishiya"

I say gently, wiping the dust off chishiyas sholder, he dosnt like being dirty.
I glance down at the body bleeding out, the dog mask still creeps me out... but atleast he was no longer a threat. This mess was finally over, I sigh in relief and look at chishiyas face. his face was calm as always, yet his eyes empty. He spoke up breaking the awkward silence.

"...Why are you being so kind to me?"

...i was unprepared for that question... why? I didn't know either, it just felt right.
Niragi wanted to hate him, to not care about him like before... and niragi still hated him now! but he had to care... he just had to! Niragi didn't know why. Mabey he realized chishiya wasn't all that bad, or that chishiya wasn't actually trying to one-up him this entire time... chishiya was just a sarcastic prick, not a challenge. Mabey niragi realized there was more to life than being on top, because at this point... what was there to be on top of? Niragi loved how people feared him, he loved seeing people shake and beg below him like dogs... but it was lonely. As much as he absolutely hated chishiya for being difrent than the others... chishiya was probably the only person niragi could actually have a conversation with other than militant or utopian work! Even if there conversations were just fighting and bickering... it was interaction... it was attention, and niragi was for some reason, so desperate for chishiyas attention...

"Niragi... the game is over, you don't have to keep pretending"

Chishiya suddenly says, snapping niragis attention back to the present moment. Pretending? Niragi wasn't pretending...


"Don't 'chishiya' me, what is wrong with you? Why are you suddenly acting like this? I don't get it... you go from hating my guts, calling me names and holding guns to my head to brushing dust off my sholder! I don't get what's going on niragi!"

It felt like the world was moving in slow motion, niragi didn't know what to say... he was never in a position like this before... so he did the only thing his body would let him do.

Niragi approached chishiya, and chishiya scowls, but niragi didn't care, he wouldn't see chishiyas face anyway.
Niragi quickly wraps his arms around chishiya, holding him in a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry, chishiya... I know I'm confusing you, I'm confused to to be honest... these feelings I have, I've never had them before- so I'm sorry for acting so weird... I don't know how to tell you how I feel... but I hope you can let me show you"

I wisper into his ear, gently swaying back and forth. His body was tence against mine, I know he wanted to push me away and scold me... but he didn't.
Instead to my suprise, chishiya hugs me back...

"I... I don't know how I feel, but I know it's amusing to be around your stupid ass... and I like being entertained"

Niragi couldn't help but chuckle at chishiyas words, it was chishiyas way of accepting niragis feelings... chishiya was difrent, and niragi was growing to love that about him. Niragi hugs chishiya tighter now, as his lips curl up into a smile. A genuine smile.

"Am I allowed to say I love you?"

Niragi asked.

"I thought you said you were going to show me how you feel"

Niragis eyes widen just for a moment, before he slowly pulls away from chishiya.

"You mean... can I?"

Chishiya smirks at niragi, answering his question without words, and niragi dosnt hesitate for a moment.
Niragi quickly moved in, joining his lips with chishiyas, one hand wraped around chishiyas waist, the other gently on his neck keeping him close. Chishiya kissed back just as passionate as niragi. It wasn't a hot, sexy kiss... it was gentle and loving. A kiss that neither wanted to ever end.

"Congratulations, game cleared"

The ai voice rings through the building as niragis and chishiyas lips parted. Niragi gently cups chishiyas face and gives him another, quick kiss. Chishiyas eyes widen for a second, before he grinns.

"Take that kiss as my thank you for not letting that man shoot me"

Chishiya says teasingly.

"Huh? No way! Thank me properly you-"

I laugh and hug him again, this felt great.

"Alright alright. thank you, Mr.gunman"

Chishiya says, making me confused.


"Don't you think it suits you? You carry that gun around like it's part of you. Your the gunman~"

Chishiya smirks, grabbing onto my hand leading us out of the building. Finally, we could leave...
Me and chishiya make it back to the main room, the white table sits there with a card on it for us to take...
Chishiya quickly grabs it, shoving It into his pocket before walking out the door holding tightly onto my hand... we won.
The fresh breath hits my face, and I sigh in relief, the sky looked more blue than it was when we first arrived.

I think back to what chishiya said earlier... Mr.gunman, huh?.... yeah, that definitely suits me.

Omfg this last chapter was so hard to write guys- 😭
Forgive any spelling mistakes I'm so sleep deprived rn. This series is my first one! So I'm so happy and sad at the same time that it's over, I obviously most likely will have a second 'book' or whatever of Mr.gunman with a difrent name that will focus more on niragi and chishiyas relationship! But I'm really happy with how this turned out.
Thank you all so much for the support! Please continue to support me, and my now/future series! And make sure to vote as a goodbye to Mr.gunman!

(Words 1094)

Mr.gunman (Niragi x chishiya)Where stories live. Discover now