peak a boo!

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I glance at her blond hair, and before I can prosses anything I find myself wondering... what's chishiya doing right now?

WHY THE HELL IS HE THE FIRST PERSON I THINK ABOUT AFTER FUCKING SOME GIRL!? this bitch is always bothering me- and he's not even present right now!
I glare down at the girl who was now getting up herself and slowly putting her clothes back on.

"Ha~... that was... better than I expected"

She said in a wisper. I respond.

"Then now we both know, I don't disappoint"

I felt good, I just had amazing sex with an attractive girl. I didn't have to hold back at all, and got everything I wanted... this is everything I wanted... right? Then why do I feel so... empty? And it's not because of that big ass load I just pounded into her... I felt like maby... she wasn't everything I wanted.
-chishiyas pov-
I was laying in bed on my back, head behind my head relaxing when I heard the door open, and niragi walks in. I glance at him as he stares me down silently for a good 30 seconds.

"Whats the problem?"

I ask sarcastically. And he scoffs at me before walking towards the bathroom. He paused as he opens the door.

"Your the problem, you... you ignorant little shit"

He said without turning to face me, then quickly slammed the bathroom door behind himself.

... what the hell did I do? I'm literally laying here minding my own business. Eh, not my problem he's always so moody. I know I didn't do anything to him, and even if I did, I wouldn't feel bad about it. So now all I could do was lay here and wait... or go explore.

I find myself walking down the halway, scanning everything I can to see if I missed anything, anything at all. And it pays off, because I find a room just like all the other bedrooms... but without a number, meaning there wasn't any bedroom at all. I open the door and allow myself in, and just like I thought, empty... other than a couch for some reason and a large shelf of books and folders. Obviously I go to the shelf first, or atleast planed to go to the shelf first. But somthing on the couch caught my eye... a teddy bear? I pause...
Why was a child toy in a place like this? Or was I missing somthing.. It wasn't like this was just a normal teddy bear. It was one of those robotic 'peak a boo' ones, that had a small piece of fabric sown to its hands, the hands that would move up and down to hide, then reveal the bears face... peak a boo. I approach the couch and pick up the bear. It was soft, a light caramel brown almost. I turn it around and click the button to start it.
The bears eyes light up for a split second before the bear buzzed in my hands.

"Hello! I'm peak a boo bear, are you here to play with me? Great! Let's play together. But first, can you tell me what your name is?"

The voice in the bear says in a happy sing song tone, it was almost unsettling.

"That's a cool name! Now that we know eachothers name... will you be my friend?"

I didn't even say anything, stupid bear.

"You will? That's great!! Now we can play together, friend!"


"Ready? 1... 2... 3..."

The bears arms start to raise, going infront of its face.

"Peak a boo! I see you!"

No you don't, you creepy little shit.

"You want to play again? Great! Let's play aga-"

I turn it off. Clearly it still worked. So the battery's were changed recently, somone put this here. I wonder why?
I pick at the velcro and open the back of the bear up, taking the plastic piece out that hides the battery's.... what?
There were no battery's in here.... absolutely the fuck not.
I put the bear back on the couch and leave, closing the door behind myself and quickly walking back to mine and niragis room. I walk in just as he's getting out of the bathroom.

"You were out?"

He asked. Why would he want to know..

"Yeah, I was out. You miss me?"

I answer sarcastically. And his face scrunched up as he let's out a low growl.

"Why are you growling at me? All I asked was if you missed me, don't be shy to say yes~"

I teased as his face flushes red, and his body tenses up... his body. He was in only his boxers, his hair damp and slicked back as he had a Towle sitting on his sholders. He had a decent body, not overly jacked. But I'm not into that anyway. He was definitely in shape though. nice thick arms and broad sholders, a six pack and everything. And he was hard down there for some reason, you could clearly see it trying to bust through his boxers.

"You should probably put some pants on"

He looks down and blushed even harder now. Quickly using the Towle to cover his lower area.

"Why you lookn', blondie?"

He growls

"It looked at me first"

I smirk as he groans and gets into his bed, hiding his body under the blankets. I also get into bed now, it was getting late... and our last game would be tomorrow. I lay in bed, getting comfy and slowly Start to drift off. My eyes close and I hear niragi try to say somthing to me, but I can't make out his words, I was too far gone now as I lose concisness and fall asleep...

Hey, I've been doing pretty good at updating my chapters!! 😝
I hope you guys liked this chapter- and I know not to much happened, atleast in my opinion but I hope you guys are excited for the next chapter!! The final game will be exciting as it sounds. the last game before the players can leave... that is, if they can survive~

(1023 words)

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