bad luck twins

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Oh, well shit.
I put 2 and 2 together to realize what was happening..
Looks like I'm the next one to get manhandled then.

-niragis pov-

As I'm walking around on ground level, I hear a man scream. I see him and his partner get absolutely wrecked by this Jaxed guy, and get there flags taken.

What fucking losers, can't even TRY to fight against him? No wonder the guy took there flags, everyone's a fucking pussy. Not wanting to get there hands dirty. I didn't recognize this big guy though... I look up at the screen, looking for his face. And there he was, now 4th place. Shimuzu huh? He seems like a worthy challenger. And his partner, bada. I wonder where bada is though, he wasn't with his partner... probably stealing from another team.

Shimuzu walks off, leaving the pair he took from crying. They were definitely not passing this game now! The man comforts his partner, who was crying and apologizing. I scoff. if that were me, I would have been able to protect the girl just fine! That pussy dosnt deserve to be called a man. People are growing too soft nowadays.

The man hugs the woman's head to his chest, stroking her blond hair that was left a mess from shimuzu holding her by it. The man kissed the blond woman's forehead before he sighs. Eww, a fucking couple? I wanted to hit on that woman a few days ago, in the elevator. She's pretty, big boobs, fat ass.
After the painfully long wait, they then both walk off together. Who knows where too honestly.

Speaking of all this blond, where is the blond. He already found the flag, I saw our score go up, so where is chishiya? He should be back by now....

Probably took a stroke on that big ass slide, I swear I almost started blacking out on the way down- not because I'm weak!! I'm fucking hungry, dehydrated, and jumping into that water earlier zapped all my fucking energy. I want to lay down and sleep for crying out loud! Not find some dumb ass flags! I want to go back to beach already!! Drink alcohol, smoke and fuck. Although this place had great food, better than beach honestly.. it didn't have alcohol and I wasn't allowed to shoot at people! What lame shit was that, right?
I was also all pent up from not having a hot chick to fuck when I please. At beach I get who I want, because who I want always wants me! I've never been turned down by a woman. And it's not like I- being desperate. Could relieve myself, because I share a room with the fucking blond!! Who was still nowhere to be seen. I start walking away from the past scene, "Fucking bitch, I'm gonna slit his throat when I find him!!" I curse under my breath. Now on a mission... find the blond.

-Chishiyas pov-


I curse outloud, flying down the stairs, running from this big ass man who either wanted my flags or my soul-
I wasn't really afraid of him, but did I want his filthy sweaty hands touching me? NO! so I ran. I will admit though, he is a bit intimidating. A 6 foot buff man with a buzz cut, tattoos and scars all over him. The 30 fucking yard stare, and what really threw me off, his big ass goofy grin! Atleast aguni just looked depressed, this guy was smiling at me as he chased me down like some prey.

I continued running, and eventually got to ground level, finally. But the chace didn't stop, as this guy keep runing after me like no tomorrow. To my disadvantage, he was much taller and stronger than me, and now that we were on ground level, quickly caught up to me and grabbed me by the back of my hood, Dragging me to his side.

"Listen kid, we can do this the easy way... or the hard way.."

He said in a low growl... whys this bitch growling at me? I didn't even have the chance to get a word on before he grabbed my shoulders and spun me around to face him, looking down at me, he growls again.

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