peak a boo! (part 3)

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"Game: peak a boo!"

I zone out the rest of what it was saying, as the only thing on my mind was... you've got to be shitting me...
-Niragis pov-
I stand next to chishiya as the bitchy ai voice begins.
"Game: peak a boo!
Players will have full access to game room number one, they will have all access to anything and everything in the room. Weapons are allowed. Goal of the game. Avoid 'it'. When you are caught by 'it' it is game over. Game rules, none. The game will now commence.

... no game rules huh? So technically this is just one big game of hide and go seek tag. How fun...
Weapons allowed!? I would have brought my baby! Why couldn't they mention this sooner- AGHHH...
They better have some SHIT good weapons in there to make it up to me.
I glance at chishiya, who's just zoned out there staring at nothing particular, spaced out... don't you dare do this now.

"Chishiya, fucking wake up"

I- by habit of normally hanging around people other than chishiya- grab one of his sholders and give him a light shake.
He glares at me, but I don't back down. He instead sighs, and brushed my hand off himself. He didn't scold me for touching him... can I count this as a win? I will anyway! Slowly I think me and chishiya are warming up to eachother a bit. I still hate his guts, but I geuss in a way he's more than just guts... mabey I could actually, one day, get along with chishiya?....
Yeah, probably not. But let a man dream! I hate to admit it, but I already warmed up to chishiya a bit, he constantly has me on my last straw... but he's not as bad as I thought he was, and I geuss I don't hate him as much as I did before this game.... what am I going on about? I really have to stop doing this!! The game, peak a shit or whatever it's called. It was time to play as the door labeled with a 1 opens up and a light inside flickers revealing a halway.

"Come on, we don't have all day niragi"

Chishiya says walking on without me as I was the one zoning out now. Look at that, he wants me to come with him... obviously! We're game partners that's why... man.
I quickly snap myself out of these strage delusions and rush to chishiyas side.

As we go through the door, we enter the long, concrete hallway. Immediately the air temperature drops and everything feels chilly. Chishiya groans, apparently he didn't like this change. And well, neither did I. My shirt wasn't exactly made for the cold like this, it's a very thin shirt after all. Chishiya was in a sweater, yet this temperature change still affected him in a way, it was clear on his face he didn't like it one bit. Fucking pussy, he notices everything! I could blow, causing some air partials to like- move. And he would notice. He's a robot, I swear.
The temperature starts to go back to normal as we get father down the halway, and entere this area entirely out of wooden planks. Like, it had wood floors, wood walls and wooden sliding doors- it was definitely an entirely difrent setting from the concrete hallway getting here. The only- so far- non wooden thing was the big white screen that showed all the surviving players profiles and who there teammates were. I spot me and chishiya and can't help but grin, we looked so cool up there. But I notice somone- or somthing, I didn't recognize was also displayed up there. A person with a dog's head and torso over there own head like a mask... creepy little shit, is this what we're running from? Or playing 'peak a boo' with?
I glance over to chishiya to see what he thinks of this, and he has a slightly grossed out expression. Yeah, a person wearing a raggy, non properly cut dog head was pretty gross.
A countdown on the screen starts, 10 minutes to hide. We were hiding apparently...

"10 minutes, time has started"

Chishiya mutters, and starts walking away with his hands in his pockets. I follow.

"You think this game will be hard? Should we take it seriously? I mean.. the name is so childish it's funn-"

Chishiya cuts me off

"This is the final game, the goal is most likely to kill as many of the survivers off as it can. I assume this game will not be one to take lightly, we're being hunted after all"

I pause... he was right, I geuss. I didn't like that he mentioned we were being hunted, it made me feel like some week prey... and it was creepy to think that dog thing was going to be coming after us. The thought made me shiver.
Chishiya led the way as we explored a bit, I said we should hide right away and attack it when it least expects it... but chishiya said we should explore our options while we have the chance, and I wasn't going to argue with the prick... he would just tell me somthing like- 'if you don't want to do it my way stop following me, you idiot' somthing smart mouthed like that... I sigh.
After walking around for a bit, he eventually chose a room only one floor down from the starting room.

"Won't he be checking these closer rooms first?"

I ask

"That's what everyone thinks, he'll be one step ahead and chose not to check these rooms. Hiding in more obvious places is sometimes better"

He said opening the door, and walking in. I sigh, and follow.

The room was dark, but you could make out that there was a desk, two closets, and a door that led to the room next to this one. Chishiya goes over to that door and opens it a crack.

"Well hide behind the desk, if we hear him approch and try to come into this room, we can easily slip out and get to the next room without noise and exape. If he goes into the room next to us, we can exape through the door we came in, he won't hear it... unless you want to hide in a closet and pray for your life?"

Chishiya asked sarcastically, and I shake my head no.

"No sir, your plan it is"

I say sarcastically, grinning at him. We both get under the desk into a comfortable position, not to scrambled up so If we need to crawl or get up we can without struggle. The desk was a good size... but damn, we're we close right now...
I could feel his leg against mine, i could feel the warmth of his bare skin going through the material of my pants. He always wore those fucking white shorts... but for some reason only now was it affecting me.

A loud alarm goes off.

"The game has now begun!"

the ai voice echos through every single area in this place like a warning... the final game had started.
Last chapter is it 😭 this series has been so fun to write! I'm definitely already thinking about making a second book for this! Like a part 2 of Mr.gunman- I think I already said this? Lmao, I won't be calling it 'Mr.gunman, part 2' or anything, I'm still thinking of the name!!
But anyways, thank you all so so much for reading 'Mr.gunman'! I love writing this so I hope you all enjoy reading it just as much! Please continue to support me and my series, and I'll see you all next time‼ bye bye ><

(1300 words)

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