mommas boy

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-authors pov-


"Shuntaro? Where are you, darling?"

Chishiyas mother asked outloud. looking around for him. She looked around for her 7 year old son in places like under the couch, and in the kitchen cupboards. All weird and random places you would never think of to look for your kid, but that was the fun of it... shuntaro was 'different' than other kids, so he always hid in places nobody would ever think to look in. It didn't help that he never talked, so there was no chance you could rely on listening to find him.

A slight grin grew on her face the more she looked around unable to find him. This was her favorite game to play with her son. When shuntaro was born.. she was diagnosed with Postpartum depression. She started drinking and became and alcoholic...
Causing her to fully ignore that shuntaro even existed for the first 5 years of his life, but she was doing better now. She was sober now, and worked hard to repair her and her sons broken relationship.

It filled her with happiness that shuntaro was so good at hiding. He would need this skill to survive later on in life, or maby even tomorrow... you never knew when someone would come looking for you with bad intentions...

Shuntaros father was a doctor, he worked all the time without breaks. If he wasn't at the hospital he was in his room working from the computer. If he wasn't working... he was drinking. And let's just say he wasn't so friendly when drunk. And neither was his so called 'friends' from high school, who he would invite over to drink. And of course Minatos- (shuntaros father) -friends were all criminals and drug adics... as if they couldn't get more dangerous. She knew Minato was hitting shuntaro... but she wasn't sure about his friends. This was what caused her to become so protective of the son she once ignored.

Suddenly shuntaros father came through the door. Speak of the devil...

"I'm home"
He announced as he walked into the living room.

"... what are you doing?"

He looked at Sayaka -shuntaros mother-
with disgust seeing her on the ground.

"I was cleaning, Minato. You've got a problem with me cleaning now to?"

She asked harshly, looking up at him.

Minato -shuntaros father- let out a loud sigh as he walked over to his work-room.
"Your so over-dramatic, woman"
He said slamming the door.


"Alright, times up shuntaro, you win"

She said in a warm tone. She looked over at the TV stands cupboard-like doors as books fell out, causing it to open. Her son crawled out of the small space with a smug look, obviously proud he won.
"Shuntaro? How did you even fit in there?"
His mother asked slightly laughing as she stood up and aproched the boy, her mood quickly lighting up seeing her son. She crouched down to his level and gently brushed his hair out of his face.

"There's my beautiful boy... you won again! What would you like as your prize this time?"

She asked smiling. The boy tapped on his cheek, and she knew immediately what he ment.
She gave him a kiss on the cheek, laughing as she pulled away. "Your cute, but I wished you talked... I'm not even sure you understand me, do you know what I'm saying, shuntaro?"

She asked, And the boy only smiled at her in response. She sighed and smiled back.

"I know your not stupid... I'm sorry for thinking you were, I know you understand me... you probably understand more than me, huh?

She laughed thinking about it.

-time skip, 10 year old chishiya pov-

I was sitting in a hospital room with my mother and an unfamiliar doctor. He held cards infront of me, with words and pictures on them like cat, dog, or tree. The doctor sounded out the words, then asked me to copy him.

"T-r-e-e, can you say that for me? Tree?"
He asked showing me the card.
I was nonverbal, in there eyes atleast.

I figured out how to talk when I was 8, when I was in my room alone studying. In the book there were words I never heard outloud. so every night, when I was alone in my room. I would try to say the words... not because I wanted to lern how to talk. But because I was curious, what did these words sound like? That was my original thought..
But then I wanted to know.. what did the words in my book, or the words I heard everyday sound like.. if I said them?
That curiosity alone, wondering what words would sound like with my own voice instead of somone else's.. is what caused me to lern.

The doctor snapped his fingers in my face, snapping me out of my thoughts amd back into reality.

"Hey there, are you listening?"

He asked me, and I responded without even thinking about what was happening...

"Yeah, I'm listening"

I said... the room went silent, and I only now realized that I actually responded to him instead of just nodding my head. I always wanted to respond to him during our sessions... but I was to scared to, I knew how to talk... but I didn't know how to talk to people.

the doctor looked at me for a minute, then at my mother who was starting to cry. She stood up and quickly huged me, now full on sobbing. and now I was starting to cry to... did I say something wrong? I was so scared, I didn't want to disappoint her.

"Shuntaro, my baby"

She sobbed.

"Please.. can you-.. can you say my name? It's all I've ever wanted.. please? Can you say momma?"

She cried, that's all she wanted?... I thought if she knew I could somwhat talk... she would start having high expectations for me like dad... but she just wanted me to say momma?...

Now I was sobbing with her.


I said, hugging her tightly crying into her shoulder. Repeating this simple, yet so powerful word over and over again in-between sobs.
I never knew this doctors visit would be so emotional... I wasn't prepared for this. But I didn't regret it.
I didn't understand emotions to well... but I knew this ment alot to my mother, so I didn't regret it on her part. But I was now so afraid of what would happen next... what would her and my fathers expectations be for me now?.. I don't want do disappoint my momma... because I knew she was the only one who actually loved me....

My memory's were starting to turn into a big blur, as if they all wanted to be remembered, fighting to go first inside my head.

Hey chishiy- **** your different, why don't you get that!? ***** let's play, shuntaro **** ret*rd ** one, two, three- ***** quickly! Go hide!! **- BANG BANG BANG ******......



-present time, niragis pov-

I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling. Listening to chishiya quietly sob in his sleep. It's been half an hour since I realized he was crying. I assumed he was having a nightmare or something.. because he suddenly sat up breathing quickly and heavily, looking paranoid.

"You good? Blondie"
I asked trying to sound normal.
He quickly wiped his tears and calmed his breathing, taking a hard swallow before letting out a sigh..

He didn't answer my question...
"Hey there.. are you listening?"
I wave my hand around to get his attention from across the room, Giving him a rude glare as I do.

He sighs again before answering.

"Yeah, I'm listening".....

Chapter 7.
This chapter is 100% for yall with mommy issues 😈 (I got em 2 tbh..)
I want to point out that I repeated a line just for the drama. If you didn't notice.

"Hey there, are you listening?"
"Yeah, I'm listening"

Was a repeat from the doctor scene! And the first words chishiya said outloud infront of someone so I think it was an important part of this chapter~
Oh well... I was proud of the repeat- drama moment!

Thank you for reading "Mr.gunman" !!
Please vote for it and it's chapters so I know people actually want me to continue this series 🙏‼

(1392 words)

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