too pent up

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-Niragis pov-
-I say as I join his side. He kinda just looks at me for a second, but not in a mean glaring way... hm.
We walk out of the grey room, into the lobby, and finally down the hall to our room. I won't admit this outloud, but that game exhausted me... I couldn't wait to crash into bed and go to sleep!

-Chishiyas pov-

Finally, me and niragi return to the room. After today's game, we would have the rest of this day to do what we want, we would play another game tomorrow.
in the blink of an eye niragi throws himself into his bed. His gun from earlier was still resting on the bed for his return, and what dose he do? He dosnt bother to move it or put it away, he fucking hugs it to his chest as he falls asleep instantly. Not even a shower?....
Eh, not my problem.
I walk over to the bathroom, and quietly close the door behind myself. I felt... wet, and not because of the pools. I was so dirty and sweety- like it wasn't even funny. I start to undress myself, I unzip my white jacket, and toss into the corner of the room farthest from the shower. Then I lift my black t-shirt over my head, immediately feeling the cold air on my warm sweaty skin. I fucking smell gross. I then sigh, and loosen the string on my shorts before sliding them and my boxers down in one go, and tossing it all into the same corner. Approaching the shower, I turn the nose, and the water starts with a loud SWOOSHkkkk noise. I hold my hand under the water untill it feels nice, then allow myself to get in.
The feeling of warm water running down my body was somthing I desperately needed. I spin around to let the water hit both my front and back, before I tip my head in and wet my hair.
I run my hands through my wet, silky hair and slick it back out of my face before actually starting to wash myself. This felt nice. I glanced around and noticed there wasn't any shampoo, a shame really. But I was still getting somwhat cleaned I geuss.
I turn the water off and quickly get out, the cold air hitting my warm, wet skin. I grab a Towle and quickly wrap it around my waist before going to the bathroom mirror. I'm not one to care about looks or anything, but I did notice how my hair was starting to get longer, and that nasty mark on the side of my forehead... that fucking bomb. What are the chances of that? It's like this game is chishiya-phobic or somthing. First the bomb, than that man I tazed... what the hell should I expect next?
I sigh, and grab a gauze pad and some medical tape out of my bag. As a doctor I so happened to have had my med kit on me when I somehow ended up in the borderlands, I was coming home from my shift... but I geuss its come in handy. The last thing i want is for this to get infected now.
-niragis pov-

I wake up in a cold sweat, my skin feels dry yet wet at the same time... I should've showered before I went to sleep! I didn't think I was this dirty...
I get up out of bed and almost tumble over somthing. I glance down.... MY BABY
my fucking dearest gun was abandoned on the cold, hard dirty floor like some smelly sock!! I gently place it on the bed before I walk over to the bathroom. I should first see if there's any wipes in there before I clean myself, my poor gun dosnt deserve that! I must've accidentally dropped it off the bed in my sleep, and now I pay the price.
I oppen the bathroom door and immediately hot steam rushes out. Only then do I notice chishiya standing there with his back faced to me, nothing on but a Towle... completely unbothered by my presence. I sigh, if he's not making a big deal of this, why would I? I walked in pretending this was normal, this was OK. I approach chishiya and move him out of my way to get under the sink. As I'm looking for the wipes, I start to feel awkward!! So I decided to be a true alpha male baddie and make some small talk. Was I nervous? NO WAY...

"So... what ya doin' in here blondie?"

I ask, he ignored me... this bitch. I glance up at him and noticed him dabbing a wet cloth on his head. Oh yeah, he did hurt his head not to long ago- well he didn't, more so the bomb did... but that's not the point-
He placed the cloth down and took some weird cotton slice and tape off the counter.

"Whats that you got there?"

I ask curiously

"Medical Gauze pads and tape, for my wound"

He responded... yeah, that made sence I geuss. After all that wound definitely wouldn't be covered with a regular band-aid... I glance down at his chest, and his waist. Chishiya wasn't the most physically strong builded person, but he definitely wasn't stick skinny. He had a... nice body I geuss, a mix between masculine and feminine. If a girl and a guy had a baby it would be chishiya... wait- you know what I mean!! Like... what's that word... asparagus? No... androgynous!! That's what chishiyas body looked like! His face looked a bit feminine too to be honest, but he has enough masculine features to tell he's a guy. I wonder what masculine features he had under that towle... what the fuck am I thinking!?
I finally find the wet wiped and book it the fuck out of the bathroom. Quickly focusing all my attention on my gun. I sit in my bed and place it in my lap as I gently start wiping it off. My body might have been focused on my gun... but my mind was nowhere near that... man, I'm too pent up for this shit.
Finally finished this chapter 😍 sorry it's been so long and if there's any spelling mistakes ignore it I'm going through such a bad mindfog I can't even have a normal conversation without sluring my words and mixing them up 💔😭
I blame the government bc why not? They didn't put anything in my brain though they took shit out 💀
Anyway- THAT YOU ALL so so so so so much for reading and voting for 'Mr.gunman' and it's chapters!! Please continue to support me and my series!
(And possibly other series I may or may not start. mabey another niragi x chishiya series 😝)

(1152 words)

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