honest man

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_helooooo! Sorry this chapter took so long, life happened ig 💀💔
Anyway enjoy the chapter!!!

He didn't answer my question...
"Hey there.. are you listening?"
I wave my hand around to get his attention from across the room, Giving him a rude glare as I do.

He sighs again before answering.

"Yeah, I'm listening"

(Time skip)
-still niragis pov-

After what felt like forever, it was finally day 4. Meaning we only had to put up with this shitty game for 3 more days.
I was in the cafeteria with chishiya, and he was eating some type of sweet candy. I would have never guessed he had such a huge sweet tooth before this game, but he sure dose love those candy's...
I decided not to pry at what happened a few days ago, assuming chishiya just had a nightmare or something. It wasn't worth my time. What was worth my time though was the food they had at this place. everyday I would eat until I physically couldn't anymore! And I was livin' the good life... other than the games and having to share a room with the blond. Although he was starting to grow on me... I still hate his guts though, and his eyes.. always looking at me like I did something wrong. And as if my thoughts had summoned it.. I look over to chishiya looking at me!

"Got a problem, blondie?"
I asked in a rude tone. He sighs and shakes his head no. I smirk, because I felt like I won. Chishiya was always judging how much food I ate, always saying shit like 'the foods not runing away you know.. it's gonna be here when ya get back'.. and OBVIOUSLY I knew that.. I just wanted to eat as much as possible! And clearly chishiya was starting to just let me do my thing.
Anyway, Beach had specific times you could eat and they also controlled how much you ate.. so while I had the chance to eat whatever and however much food I wanted, I needed to like- exorb all the food I can here before I go back, if that's how it worked..?
Chishiya on the other hand always ate as if he didn't even need to. He ate very small portions and sometimes he wouldn't even finish it! I honestly think the only reason he hasn't died due to malnourishment or starvation is because of the protein shakes or the weird ass liquid foods. He was almost never eating an actual real solid meal, and thinking back he was like this at beach too. But I'm not really in a place to judge..
I think looking down at my overfilled plate.

Chishiya is a weirdo. He's just so different than normal people I can't even explain it! He has like- no emotions, he's always calm and sarcastic.. you could cut his legs off and he would say something back like-
'oh, you could've just asked me to sit down you know?'
And the fact he was smart also didn't help, he was like a robot!
I hate this guy so much... stupid blond...

I sigh, lost in thought.

I geuss its true what they say..
'you hate what you don't understand'

-chishiyas pov-

I watch as niragi shoved mouthfuls of food in his mouth while he seemed to be lost in thought. He wasn't even looking at what he was eating anymore...

I was still sore from the injuries I got from that bomb. I felt like these candy things were the only things keeping me from going insane.. I didn't have my music, I didn't have anytime to myself. And I hadn't gotten a breath of fresh air in days. The lights in this building were giving me a headache. And the temperature was never just right.. it was either way to hot or freezing! The place didn't have much color either... I felt deprived. I would have prepared more if I knew this game would take days to finish...

Well, no use complaining about it. What's done is did. The time was 8:40am, meaning there were 20 more minutes until the game would start..
And 20 minutes was all I needed.

I get up from the table, niragi asked me something along the lines of 'where are you going?' But I ignored him and made my way back to the bedroom I shared with him.
I might not have been fully prepared for this game.. but I was not dumb enough to come empty handed.

Underneath my bed, I hid a small backpack i brought with me from beach underneath my bed. Not hid as in to keep it secret, but to keep it safe.
I kneeled down to drag it out.
In the bag were some basic things. Water, paper and pen, and the handy stun-gun i made myself, obviously.
It had been 4 days out of 7. Meaning these last 3 days might be dangerous, I remember in the game rules it said something about not harming other players.. unless if in game. So I knew something would happen, maby not today, but I had to be prepared.

My stun-gun was pretty decent, although I have to be holding it to be able to taze whatever I was tazing. It was able to stun a grown man, so it was usefull.

I shove it in my pocket and push the bag back under my bed, slowly getting up from the floor.
Niragi walked into the room just as I was about to leave.

"There you are! I was looking for you, your fucking idiot"

"Why? You miss me already?"
I asked sarcastically. He scoffed.

"As if.. now let's go"
He said turning to walk away, and I followed him.
The bell rang as we entered the main lobby, it was now 9am.

"When I find out who Mr.prada is, his ass better pray he's already in a coffin before I get to him"
Niragi said as we entered.
"Mr.prada isn't a person niragi, it's the name of the ai, the game generator"
I correct him. "Well whoever made The ai generator better start praying than"
He snapped back almost immediately.

I sigh.
We, including the surviving players, waited for the screen to light up. To role a dice on our fait..

Chapter 8? I think 💀
Thank you for reading Mr.gunman!! Please remember to vote for it and it's chapters‼ 🙏
See you in chapter 9~

(1090 words)

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