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The next day, everyone in the office had a lots of work. You had fill in all files of the case, others had to write the reports, other to read and sign all those, other to file them, right, away, others to deliver some of those papers to the police station. Generally it was a busy day.


Many hours later, you finally finished with your work. After you got your things ready, you left the Agency.

You immediately went to buy some food cause all this work made you hungry. After that, you went to the tallest building of Japan. In the times you would run away and they wouldn't find easily, you would go there to admire the view. You couldn't remember how found that place, you'd probably ran into it one day, but you didn't care. Feeling the air from up there and being this high, watching everything down there, made you feel free, even if it was a small amount of time.

The people that were working there, didn't even looked at you now. Your visits were frequent and they had get used to it.

Upon entering, you headed towards the elevator and pushed the button that would get you to the roof.

After a few minutes, the elevator stopped and opened its doors and you exited and towards the edge. When you got there you sat down, put out your food and started eating while admiring the sunset, it was one of your favourite things to do.

Some time later, you heard elevator's ding sound that made when you had arrived at the floor you wanted. You looked behind but you saw no one. You brushed it off and looked straight again but instead of seeing the sunset, you saw Dazai-san's face looking at you with a weird expression.

You gasped at the sudden view of him but soon you got over it.

Dazai: Are you trying to commit suicide?

You hesitantly nodded no to answer him.

Dazai: Ohhh, and what are doing here if you're not dying?

You stayed silent but Dazai wouldn't leave and so you answered.

Y/n: View.

You only said with raspy voice. You had a long time to use it and so, it was a bit off shape.

Dazai: Ahhh, yeah, the view from up here is breathtaking. I'm happy that this will be the last thing I'll see.
Y/n: ...
Dazai: Well, goodbye Y/n, I'm glad I met you.

Dazai said and walked away. Seeing what was about to happen, you wanted to stop him but your voice wouldn't come out. Turns out, your voice was a lot out of shape plus, you weren't good at talking to people. Though, you couldn't let him die, knowing that that what was going to happen and so with all courage and voice you master, you spoke up.

Y/n: Why is that you wish to die?

You asked, a little louder than before.

Dazai: Huh?

Dazai said and turned back, looking at you.

Y/n: Why?...

You said again, lower this time.

Dazai: Ah! Well, let me turn the question, is there any value to this thing we call living?
Y/n: There is...

You whispered sometime after he asked that question. At that, he walked up to you and sat down.

Dazai: Really?

You nodded yes.

Dazai: Well, I haven't found it yet and I'm tired of seeking for it...

You stayed silent.

Dazai: Well now, tell me something, why are you cold towards everyone, no offence, I'm just returning the question.

At that you stayed silent but shortly after, you answered in low voice.

Y/n: I don't trust them.
Dazai: The people?

You nodded yes.

Dazai: And may I ask why is that?
Y/n: Someone betrayed me long time ago...
Dazai: Mori huh?

You looked at him with surprise, surprise from knowing that.

Dazai: I am responsible for hiring, well the paperwork for that and I happened to read your file. It was saying that you worked for Mori, is that true?

You remained silent for a while but then you answered.

Y/n: It was a long time ago, he took me after my parents death and promised to protect me but he only made me suffer... Since then, I don't trust anyone.
Dazai: Ahhh, I see. Well, here at the Agency you don't have to be afraid. Everyone there is good.

You kept silent.

Dazai: You should give it a try, I promise you that they won't let you down.

You stayed silent but then...

Y/n: Only if you stop trying to die.

You stated with courage that had never before.

Dazai: Hm?
Y/n: I-I'll try to open up to people only if you stop trying to commit suicide. F-for the next six months you'll stop a-and I'll try to show you the beauty of life. At that period, I-I'll try to be more open to people...

After that, there was silence that soon was broken by Dazai.

Dazai: Okay, I promise you that for the next 3 mouth I'll stop trying to kill myself and in exchange you'll try to be more open to people.

Dazai said and hold up his pinky finger. You hesitantly connected it with yours.

Dazai: Well, I think we should get going. The company will close soon.

Dazai said, stood up and started walking towards the elevator. You followed and soon you were out of the building.


When you arrived at your dorm, you immediately went to bed, tired of all that socialising today although, you couldn't sleep. Today, you maybe had made your first friend.

Dazai Osamu x Reader: The beauty of lifeWhere stories live. Discover now