Promise day 8

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Dazai: Good morning Y/n-san!

Dazai greeted you once you entered the Agency.

Y/n: Good morning to you too Dazai-san.

You replied and and went straight towards the coffee maker and poured yourself a cup of coffee. Then you went to your office to start your today's reports. In your way, you greeted few more others that were in the office.

Once you sat and got comfortable in order to start your work, Dazai appeared out of nowhere.

Dazai: Y/n-sannnnnnnn~!
Y/n: Oh! You scared me Dazai-san.
Dazai: Ops, sorry Y/n-san but I have news for you~
Y/n: What is it?
Dazai: You're going to start practise with me!!!
Y/n: Huh!?
Dazai: You told me yesterday that you can't fully control your ability so, I'll help you to it! Kunikida also approved with some convincing tho but he approved.
Y/n: E-em, okay...
Dazai: Come, we're starting now!
Y/n: Eh-

But before you could have a chance to say anything more, Dazai took your hand and led you to his office.

Then, he took a piece of paper and a pen and sat his desk. After that, you sat in front of his desk as he motioned you to do.

Dazai: So, Y/n-san, tell me about your power.
Y/n: W-well, I can travel through time by seeing or touching a person or something of scenery...
Dazai: And its always working or you choose when to use it?
Y/n: N-no, I decide when to use it, that's why I'm always late...
Dazai: Hm, and how far in time can you go?
Y/n: As much as I want in the past and future but... I don't use try not to go far in the future...
Dazai: Why is that? It could be really helpful.
Y/n: Y-yeah, it could but whatever I see in future can't be changed as in the past. I-if I see someone die he/she will die... I-it can't be changed... So I use it only for a few minutes further in the future...
Dazai: Hm, okay then, we'll deal with what we have. One more thing!
Y/n: What is it?
Dazai: You can start it whenever you want?
Y/n: No, to see something specific I have to activate it within five minutes and I travel as far as I want for how long I want.
Dazai: Hm, so we have to work within 5 minutes, huh? Okay, let's start!
Y/n: N-now!?...
Dazai: Mhm!
Y/n: A-and how w-will I practice, I mean-
Dazai: Well, don't worry about that! Listen how we will do this, I'll get out of this room and you'll try to see what will I do within this time limit you gave me.
Y/n: O-okay...
Dazai: And we start... now!

Dazai said, started a timer and got out of the room. You tried to focus on Dazai and what would he do. After ten minutes you rushed out of the room, worried.


You shouted while running towards the window that was facing the Agency and you saw Dazai hanging from there.

Dazai: You are five minutes late.

He exhaled.

Dazai: Now, can you please help me here, I don't think I hold any more, hehe...

With that, you help him in and then you smacked him.

Dazai: Ouch! What did I do!?
Y/n: You promised!
Dazai: I didn't have the intention to die!
Y/n: Don't do it again! When I saw this I-I...

You said with tears running down your cheeks.

Dazai: Oh Y/n... I-I'm sorry Y/n, I didn't mean to- I'm sorry...

He said and hugged you.

Dazai: It won't happen again, I promise you, I won't scare you like this again...
Y/n: Y-you'd better!...

You said slightly punched his chest.

Dazai: Awww, someone don't wants me to go~
Y/n: S-shut up!...

You said still sobbing in his hug. When you felt better you hesitantly let go of him.

Dazai: I-I think we should stop practising for today.
Y/n: Mm...

You said and wiped your tears away.


Dazai: Were are we going?
Y/n: You'll see.

You said while literally dragging Dazai with you. After some time later you arrived at your destination that was a beach.

Dazai: What are we doing here this late?
Y/n: From here you can have the destination view of the night sky.
Dazai: And why is this?
Y/n: For the promise.
Dazai: Ah, okay.

He said and then you left from his side.

Dazai: Where are you going?

Y/n: Fire.

You only said and showed him the bag that you were holding.

Dazai: Huh, wait then I'll help you!

He said and ran behind you.


When you gathered a satisfying amount of woods, you went back to the place had found.
There you set down a sheet you had packed in the bag.

Dazai: You are organised I see~
Y/n: Mhm, I must get things right if I want to make live.

You said and focused on set the woods. Dazai helped you open the fire and cook the marshmallows but he was oddly silent.

Dazai: Y/n-san?
Y/n: Mhm?
Dazai: Why do you want me to keep living so much?
Y/n: Eh, well, um... I-I...

You tried to say but failing. Then, you took a deep breath and continued.

Y/n: When I was in the Mafia... I-I had to see people die and not trying to stop it... I had to see many deaths, brudal and bloody and I just had to watch... So, whenever I can, I want to try and stop it and because... because... because I just can't take it any more...
Dazai: Oh...

Was all that Dazai said. To be frank, that was not the answer that Dazai wanted to hear. Basically, he didn't even know what he wanted to hear but something to this answer bothered him. He didn't even know why he was making this thoughts in the first place!

Y/n: They're ready.
Dazai: Oh, okay.

He said and moved the stick with the marshmallow away the fire. Then, you took two biscuits, that you had spreaded chocolate before, and engulfed with them Dazai's marshmallow.

Immediately after that, Dazai tried to eat it but he almost choked because it was burning hot.

Dazai: Ah! Ah!

Y/n: Wait, you just now pulled it off fire silly!

After that, you both ate your marshmallows, chatting, and then you told him to lay down.

Dazai: What happened Y/n-san?

He asked curious.

Y/n: Today, there'll be a comet rain.
Dazai: Really?
Y/n: Mhm. It happens every year only this day. I used to escape this day every year from the Mafia and come here to watch it.
Dazai: Oh... And how do you that it's this day year?
Y/n: Because it's my birthday.
Dazai: Really!? Oh, I didn't know and I didn't buy you any present. I'm sorry, I'll buy you tomorrow o-
Y/n: No need. For me it's enough that I'm with you today...

Dazai didn't replied, instead, he looked at the stary sky.

Dazai: The moon is beautiful, don't you think?
Y/n: Mm, it is. It always have full moon at this day.


After a while of watching the comet rain, you fell asleep. When Dazai noticed, he picked you up and carried you to the car and placed you at back seats. Dazai wasn't popular for his driving skills but he tried his best to bring you home safely.

When you arrived, he unlocked your door with his magic hands, not knowing were you had put the keys, and placed you to the couch, not wanting to invade further in your personal space and before he left, he covered you with his coat and then he went to his own apartment.

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