The beauty of life

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We finally arrived at the story's last chapters! I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it and I hope you liked it too (I would recommend the song above for the last chapter 😁) Enjoy!
All your predictions were coming out the same. Dazai would never wake up. It was the first time that you used your power to see the far future, on your own, and the results was catastrophic.

Y/n: N-no!...
Atsushi: Y/n-san, Dazai-san is going to be okay, he'll wake up, he's strong.

But you wouldn't listen, your predictions would continue to torment your mind.

Y/n: I-I want t-to be alone p-please...

You cried.

Kunikida: Atsushi...
Atsushi: Okay Y/n-san...

He said and both of them walked away from your office.


The days continued passing but nothing changed. You stopped using your ability. No matter how many days passed, the results wasn't going to change.

The thoughts that was torturing your mind now was that, what if it was all your fault? What if the moment you used your ability you predetermined Dazai's fate? Would something be different if you didn't use it?...

Those thoughts led you to your decision...


It was the like the day you first met him and stopped him from committing suicide.

You left the latter you had written to him on the table, next to his hospital bed, even if he couldn't read, you at least had "told" him what you wanted, and so, left for the building were you first met him.

When you arrived there, you sat down and watched the sunset, but once again, like this time when he got shot by Fyodor, you couldn't find any beauty to it...



Yosano: Dazai! How do you feel? Are you okay?
Dazai: W-where am I?
Yosano: In my office.
Dazai: My body hurts.
Yosano: Well, I had to use extreme methods to bring you back. You see, you ability was preventing me to heal you so I had to stop your brain and long story short, you are awake.
Kenji: And we are happy for that!

Kenji said excitedly.

Kunikida: Welcome back Dazai.

Kunikida said and smiled.

Atsushi: Yeah, we all are happy you are back!

Dazai: I'm glad I'm back too.

A while passed and you hadn't showed, thing that had him wondering. He leaned at the small table that was on side to look for his phone but something else caught his attention.

An envelope.

An unsettling feeling born in his mind for a reason. He couldn't put a finger to what it was but he was sure it was connected to you. And so, he decided to question where you were.

Dazai: Kunikida-kun?

He shouted to him from his room.

Kunikida: What's up Dazai?

He replied and walked in the room.

Dazai: Do know where is Y/n-san? I haven't seen her here.
Kunikida: No, I only saw her going to your room and then she left.
Dazai: You let her leave? That's so unfair! When I want to leave you don't allow me!

He whined.

Kunikida: Y/n wasn't very good since the day we found you and so we don't pressure her.

At his words, this unsettling feeling grown.

Dazai Osamu x Reader: The beauty of lifeWhere stories live. Discover now