Promise day 3

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The next day you woke up and after you ate a good breakfast, you took off for the Agency.

When you arrived you greeted your comrades and went to find Dazai at his office. It surprised you that he wasn't there to blackmail you in order to talk to your people but you were quite proud of yourself, because you did it alone.

After you knocked on his door, you waited for him to open you but nothing happened. Then you tried calling his name but again you received no answer.

Kunikida: You wasting your time, Dazai isn't in.
Y/n: Eh, w-hy, d-did something happened to him?
Kunikida: Yes, he's sick.
Y/n: Sick?
Kunikida: Yeah, he called and told me this morning.
Y/n: Oh, em okay, I guess...
Kunikida: Here, take this, they need to be signed before noon.
Y/n: O-okay sir.

You replied and took the papers from his hand and went to your office to start your work.


You tried to finish before noon, as Kunikida had told you, in order to go and see Dazai.

And you managed to do it and asked from Kunikida if you could leave early today. With some convincing, you allowed you and you left.


Before going to his house, you went to a convenient store to buy some things you thought he might need and after you were done, you went to his house.

When you arrived, you knocked on his door and waited for his response.

Dazai: C*cough*-coming.

You heard Dazai yelling from in his house. After a few minutes, the door opened.

Dazai: Y-Y/n-san? What are you doing here?
Y/n: To take care of you. Kunikida-san told me that you are sick and so I thought I come here and help you out with what you might need, since you don't have someone...
Dazai: Aw, that's very nice of you but I don't want to infect you too.
Y/n: Don't worry about that, I'll be okay.
Dazai: W-well, okay then... Come in.

He said and you walked in his house.

Dazai: Well, it's kinda messy in here. I didn't know you would come and since I'm sick I left it how it was...

Dazai said, laughing nervously.

Y/n: Don't worry, I understand. I'll help you with that, you should rest. Everything will be in order when you wake up.
Dazai: N-no need Y/n-san. I'll do it when I'll get better.
Y/n: You should not worry about that, just focus on getting better so I'll have you back at the office sooner.
Dazai: Okay Y/n-san.

Dazai replied, huffing a laugh.


After Dazai slept you got work and started tiding things up. When you were done, you started cooking something for him.

Dazai: Y/n-san?
Y/n: You woke up already Dazai-san?
Dazai: What are you making here?
Y/n: A soup to help you get better.
Dazai: Y-you didn't have to.
Y/n: Of course I did, I came to help you, didn't I?
Dazai: W-what can I say, t-thank you.
Y/n: Don't worry about it, friends should help each other, right?
Dazai: Yes.
Y/n: Okay, it's ready.

You said and pour a generous portion of soup on a plate. Then you help Dazai on the couch and brought his soup.

Y/n: I hope it's good.
Dazai: Not just good, it's amazing!

Dazai said after tasting it.

Y/n: Really, thank you.
Dazai: No, I should thanking you for everything you did for me.

He said while looking at you with the softest expression.


When he was finished you washed the dishes and went back to him.

You found him curled up on the couch, trembling.

Y/n: Dazai-san, what happened, are you okay?
Dazai: Yeah, I'm just a little cold.

He raised his head and replied.

You noticed that his cheeks were red and connecting all his symptoms, you figured that he had fever.

Y/n: Wait.

You said and left the room. You went straight to the kitchen and prepared a compress and a antipyretic pill. You also looked for a warm blanket and then returned back to him.

You found him laying on the couch, all culred up, looking at some show on the television.

You covered him with blanket before sitting beside him. Then leaned towards him and touched your lips on his forehead.

Dazai: Y-Y/n-san?

Dazai said, his cheeks turning red, not from the fever this time.

Y/n: Hm, your temperature is high. Here, take this, you'll feel better.

You said and gave him the antipyretic. Dazai took it and drunk it with some water.

Dazai: T-thank you...

He said and laid down again. Then you put the compress on his forehead.

Y/n: This should ease your fever.

Dazai stayed silent this time and you could see something melancholic on his face.

Y/n: Something bothering you?
Dazai: Y/n-san, why are you doing that?
Y/n: Do what?
Dazai: All what you did today?...
Y/n: Ah this, it's part of the promise.
Dazai: Part of the promise?
Y/n: Yeah. Because it's nice having people caring for you and not only for that, because you are my friend and I really care about you and I want you to be okay. Now rest.

You said took the compress off his head. At your touch, Dazai fell asleep.

You gathered your things and got ready to leave because it started getting late. Before you left, you went to check on him again.

He seamed the be better and before you left you kissed softly his forehead.

Y/n: Good night Dazai. I hope you'll feel better.

You said and left his house.

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