Case 2, day 3, part 7

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At Yokohama's national airport, all the members of the Agency, except from you and Dazai of course, were gather in order to stop Fukuchi, the leader of terrorist organisation, the Decay of Angels, who wanted to end the world.

They had their offocial first meeting in quite a long time cause, due to them being chased by the government as wanted terrorists, had them splitted up in order gather information about their innocence and because it was more practical.

After everybody told what they had learnt about this case, Ranpo came up with a plan to stop Fukuchi, from getting One Order, a device that could control all military forces of the world.

Ranpo: Alright everyone! I know it's been a while since we all met each other but please, let's focus on the problem here!

Ranpo said, trying to calm them down.

Kunikida: Rampo-san is right, EVERYONE CALM DOWN!

At Kunikida's voice, everyone stopped talking and looked at Ranpo.

Kunikida: Thanks.
Ranpo: Well, as we know, Fukuchi has One Order on the way. From what I could learn, it's coming with a government jet and it will land at this airport. What we need to do is stop Fukuchi from getting his hands on this device. But, there's a major difficulty at that. Fukuchi has deployed an army of vampires with the help of a special ability of a specific person, his is called Bram. Your goal is to prevent Fukuchi from getting One Order and stop the vampires before every human turns into one and I will free Fukuzawa. Is everything understood?
Everyone: Yes!!
Ranpo: Okay, let's get it over with.
Atsushi: Well, that doesn't suit the circumstances...
Atsushi: O-o-okay!...
Ranpo: Let's go!

Ranpo said and stombbed his feet out of Anne's room where the meeting was being held.

Soon enough everyone followed ready and determined to stop Fukuchi.

Kunikida: So here's the plan. Rampo-san and I will be together in the front lines. After Rampo-san is done with his first mission, his next will be trapping Fukuchi in one of Poe's novels and I'll immobilise him. Atsushi, you'll try to stop Bram and the vampires. Kenji you'll try to prevent the other members of the Hunting Dogs from coming to Fukuchi's rescue. Tanizaki, you'll try to find information for how, where and when the One Order will arrive from the control towers. Yosano, you'll hide in Lucy's ability for emergencies, you'll be their first target to take out and you are important, so you must be safe. Kyoka, you go with them in case something goes wrong. Is everything understood?
Everyone: HAI!
Kunikida: Okay then, let's close this case!

Kunikida said and everyone left for their missions.

Sorry for being inactive. Here's a small chapter before the whole story gets good. Get readyyyy!

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