Case 2, closed...

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Note: For the sake of the story let's all assume that Chuuya was turned into a real vampire and it wasn't just an act :)
Kunikida's plan had already gone into action but things weren't so positive for the team.

Tanizaki hadn't managed to prevent Fukuchi from getting his hands to One Order and currently being held hostage alongside Kunikida, unconscious by Fukuchi.

Ranpo managed to save Fukuzawa, who was currently fighting with Fukuchi, but now he was knocked unconscious too.

Atsushi was having a trouble dealing with the vampires, well mostly Akutagawa who had turned into one.

Kenji had managed to stop the Hunting Dogs but he wasn't in place to fight any more.

And you...

You were running towards Dazai who was about to be shot be Chuuya.

You saw that fell from the elevator and you had no idea how he survived it but you were happy he did, except for the situation he was in now.

Falling from the elevator, Dazai broke his leg and couldn't escape now.

So you were running as fast as your legs could take you to get to him.

Sigma now, well... he wasn't doing good too. He had been stabbed by Fyodor who was currently watching as Chuuya was shooting Dazai.


Aya, a girl who happened to be this day at Yokohama's national airport and had helped Kunikida in the past to catch a bomber, was currently trying to free Bram from Fukuchi's control so he could stop the vampires.

Aya: Come on! Only a little more!

Aya said as she was pushing a table of the roof of the airport's control towers. She had tied it to the sword that Fukuchi had trapped Bram's body to.

She managed to push it off but the sword didn't it didn't go all out. It was lacking some force.

Aya: It won't came out! We need more power!
Bram: There's nothing else we can do...
Aya: You're wrong, there is.

Aya said and walked towards the edge of the roof.

Bram: Wha-!?...
Aya: I'm the warrior of justice, my sole purpose is to serve justice. I'm happy I'll die a hero. Bye...

Aya said and jumped off the building...


You had arrived to were Dazai was. What you saw was heartbreaking.

Dazai had been shot in his arm and was in so much pain.

Chuuya had armed his gun again, ready to give the final shot.

You marched towards them as fast as you could.

Dazai must have noticed you cause he turned his head towards you and looked at you with a sad smile.

It was all moving in slow motion, like in the movies.

You were running desperately towards Dazai.

Chuuya fired his gun.

Dazai started saying something. You could tell cause you saw his lips moving but you could hear his voice. Your head was all spinning.


Aya managed to pull the sword out.

Bram was free.

He stopped the vampires and saved Aya.



Was Dazai's last words before the bullet landed to his head.


You screamed as reached him, his bloody, lifeless body. You started crying, for the first time after years...

Chuuya had fell unconscious after the shock from being released from Fukuchi's control.


The fight had officially came to an end, the Agency won, the world was out of danger but your world had crumbled.

You tried to get both Dazai and Chuuya out. You reached the main road were the ambulance you called from the prison's control room took you all back to Yokohama.


Chuuya didn't had something serious, he woke up few days after the incident as many people did after the vampire thing ended.

Sigma was found by the paramedics of the ambulance as you told told them about his existence. His injuries were serious but he pulled through and now was a member of the Agency.

Fyodor and Nikolai were caught before they managed to flee the country.

Kunikida, Ranpo and the others were healed by Yosano and now were back to normal.

Only Dazai was still unconscious and...

Doctor: I'm sorry, we can't do anything...
Atsushi: What!? Why?...
Doctor: His injury in the head made him clinically dead. He's only alive because of the life support machines but I doubt he'll ever wake up. I'm sorry...
Y/n: N-no, i-it can't be... NO!

You said and started crying.

Yosano: Y/n, don't worry I'll take him and try to heal him, I'll find a way I promise.

Yosano said, trying to calm you down. But it was no use.

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