Case 2

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The next morning, you up and hurried to the office, without even breakfast. Yesterday, you both came back late and tired.

And so, not wanting to be killed by Kunikida for being late, you ran down the street as fast as your legs could take you.

Luckily, you arrived there on time.


You started your day with a coffee, as always, and some snacks Ranpo shared with you. Then, it was paperwork turn and after that it was training.

Y/n: Um... Kunikida-san?...
Kunikida: What is it Y/n?
Y/n: Where's Dazai-san? I haven't seen him here today and we have training so...
Ranpo: Dazai's caught by the the police.

Ranpo said entering the room.

Kunikida: WHAT!!!??? WHY!!!???
Ranpo: Boss got a call earlier by the government saying that his employee is under arrest for a very long list of crimes, which I am bored to say, from the time he was at the Mafia.
Kunikida: W-w-what?... B-but how!? H-he said his crimes- What do we do now?
Ranpo: There's nothing we can do. He's being held at the most secured prisons which are only for gifted people. Access there is practically impossible and moreover, I don't even now the location of it.

While Kunikida was busy freaking out about Dazai being caught, you were busy having a panic attack. Yesterday you were together and now you didn't even were he was! You didn't saw anything! How that happened in such a small of time passed since the last time you saw him!? Could yesterday be a goodbye?... For one more time, you were useless again. You didn't see anything, in time, you couldn't prevent it.

All these messy thoughts were swimming in your head before Kunikida was able to bring you back to reality.

Kunikida: Y/n, Y/n, Y/N!!!

At that, you snapped back in the world and looked at him.

Kunikida: There's no time for panicking now. I Dazai is your friend and you are worried, well, everyone is, but have to take action. We are wanted terrorists.

He said holding today's newspaper up. You saw the frond page and another wave of fresh panic came to you.

Y/n: W-w-wha- Why?- How did this happened!?...
Kunikida: We don't know yet but we're going to find out. EVERYONE, GO TO THE MEETING ROOM!

Kunikida shouted. Everyone complied to his order without complaints.

With everyone, always, complaining about having a meeting, you understood that now, things were very bad.


At the meeting room now, Kunikida was trying to figure out a plan on your next move. The fact that you didn't know how put in that situation, made things more difficult.

Kunikida: So, our main enemy, according to Ranpo, is the Rats. I did some research to them and I found out that this organisation is connected to the Mobi Dick case. We don't know many things about the boss or its members. Moreover, this organisation, somehow made us look like terrorists and this will made our job harder cause we are wanted by the government. And on top of this, Dazai got caught and imprisoned! To sum up, our main goal is to stop the Rats from finding that book, get our selves out of the terrorists situation and help Dazai.
Yosano: Ah, this is too complicated!
Kunikida: That's why we have to untangle it. If we don't do anything the Agency will close.
Tanizaki: And what do we do?
Kunikida: We'll have to catch the Rats, as called, and maybe help Dazai.

Kunikida sighed.

Kunikida: Alright, so, let's start with smaller things, Dazai's rescue.
Y/n: I'll do it.
Kunikida: Mh?
Y/n: I'll find Dazai-san.

You stated firmly.

Kunikida: You sure, it's going to be difficult?
Y/n: Yes, I will.
Kunikida: Okay... Well, I was planning to put one or two people for this mission because many people will catch the eye of police there, and I don't want anyone else in the prison. Do you think you can handle it Y/n?
Y/n: Yes.
Kunikida: Okay then, Ranpo, you'll have to run some research about the Rats, the rest with me. Let's start the mission "Save the Agency"!

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