1. Evelyn

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"I did not exactly have an accident in mind, when I told you to bring something good, Eleanor." I glared at the raven haired woman as she all too elegantly slipped a to-go cup and what I assumed to be coffee into my free hand, before slamming the door to her vintage baby, shut. The truth was it was a wonder the car did not break down on a highway yet. I still am waiting for a call saying they found her in a car wrack. A glimpse into the lid enlighten me and refuted my suspicions. Scrunching my nose. I gazed at her in disbelief. "What the fuck is—" I gagged at the swift scent hitting my nose, holding the cup away from me as far as possible.

"Oh c'mon." She rolled her piercing blue eyes and set us into motion by pushing her hand into my lower back. "It's healthy!"

"Fuck, are you trying to get rid of me?" I took another glance and goosebumps rose all over my arms, earning the light brown hairs to stand pin straight.

"Bitch, I am looking out for you." I cocked my brow and she quickly switched topics. It was no secret that Leo was beautiful, but having every single one of the guys turn their heads at her when she walked by was rather annoying even after three years of attending FPU. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a side hug. A dirty grin danced over her red painted lips — the only type of smile I had yet seen on her face. "You still give them the look. You know it is difficult for me to find my next slut of the month, when you are my scary looking dog."

"First of all I am aware. Second, gross and third, I wouldn't need to keep up your scary dog privilege if these sex controlled teenagers would not drool all over the floor at the sight of you." I rolled my eyes this time and we finally took a seat in the lecture hall, frankly late and therefore not exactly where we wished to sit. The last row it was.

University students were animals. Thinking with nothing but their sex. I was not necessarily innocent on that one, but I like to believe I was not as obvious.

A few heads turned at my last statement, earning me to make furious hand movements to shush them. Taking a seat, I opened my laptop and immediately exhaled as if relieved.

"Are you blind?" She asked and I glared at her in disbelief once I placed my glasses on top of my nose.

"Are you kidding me? I've worn these for the whole last year—" Leo groaned and threw her head back dramatically. Drama class would have been her thing. A lot of us would have been placed better in every other class than business, but Fox Private University was where we were sent. Business was their specialty and only small sections of other areas are represented.

"Delia," she turned her upper body to face me, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me slightly. "Newsflash, you are stunning. If you want it or not people actually find you attractive too."

"Says Megan Fox," I muttered and typed in my password, opening an empty document for class.

"Alright Gigi Hadid, so how was mommy dearest? Did she rip off your head?" I exhaled and chose to ignore her comment entirely, knowing I was indeed beautiful but surely not the reason all these heads turned and boys suddenly walked into the restrooms. I did not wear a skirt ending right underneath my ass cheeks. At least I did not for school. I sighed and set to speak when she just kept talking. "Don't tell me Meredith knows about your little fuck friend from Italy!?" My eyes widened and I glared around, checking to see if anyone heard her.

"She has not yet ripped my head off." I shrugged and a small wrinkle formed between my opposites brows. "Don't even look at me like that!" I groaned and answered her so desperate question. "I am not stupid enough to tell her about that. We didn't exactly talk a lot anyway. She just ignores me for the most part."

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