29. Graduation

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A/n: one chapter left to write. Don't worry guys, I won't break your heart this time around. I learned from my previous stories. We all want a happily ever after and you shall get it in the last chapter. Gonna write it some time this week, I assume. Perhaps today, just so you don't have to wait any long.

Stay healthy and kind<3

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*Delia's POV*

June the following year.

Soft moaning, thick and sweaty air.
Compared to the advent of our story, this is not particularly different. Well, depending on the viewpoint one approaches. Starting off in Italy, horribly cheap drinks, hangovers and phenomenal sex, now ongoing in a private, snobby private university, prissy champagne and breathtaking orgasmic sex. At least I hoped for it later.

Now, it was... well, I squeezed into my silky knee length dress and covered up in the formal—boring—white gown. Heels slipped onto my feet, the matching sage green complimenting my dress below the white.

Leo kept cussing while doing her hair in the bathroom next to me, earning me to giggle at the line of curses. "Fuck, Lia.. you look positively smashable."

Blowing air between my lips at the not so subtle—very expected—compliment, I stared at us in the mirror, holding each other by the waist.

Leo's hair now cut to her shoulders, face soft and healthy. Pink suit flattering every curve. She was the polar opposite to the girl I met years ago. And having missed the turn she took towards happiness pained even now, but I was here now. I was not leaving.

"Can you believe we fucking made it?" Her lips twisted into a grin of softness.

"Not one bit. You won your bet." My brows rose at that. "Vintage Baby didn't make it to graduation, plus I crashed it."

"Yeah, into a psychotic bitch. You hit her with your car." I couldn't contain my giggles. "You'll get a new car"

"I know." A sigh fell from her lips as she drew me closer, hugging me. "Besides, I would do it all over again to get that cunt from hurting you."

There was no need to reply to that. She and I both knew I was grateful for her actions.

Here we stood in her dorm—future ex-dorm—staring at ourselves in the mirror we had taken so many picture in front of.

Here we stood. All grown up.

"Gosh, stop it!" She hissed, turning around. "You make me want to cry too."

I sniffed and fiddled with the used tissue paper in my hand, when the door opened and disturbed the emotional overload. In barged Harriet and Caspian, the former carrying a gentle smile, if not one of utter adoration for her girlfriend, the later a smug one just because.

"Why are we crying?" Harry's voice touched me before she did, pulling Leo alongside into the hug.

"Just remembered the first time we met," I confessed, running my hand over the rough fabric of glitter hiding half her back. "You look pretty, I like the hot pink."

Withdrawing from the embrace, I took in the rest of her floor length gown. Definitely aligning with Leo's fit. The cutest couple.

Cas fiddled with the imaginary dust on his awfully pretty, beige suit. Hair a tad longer and less glued to his head did manage to make him look handsome.

"Where's your Professor, again?" He cleared his throat, leading me on his arm down the crowded hallways leading up to the assembly hall for the ceremony.

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