23. Football

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A/n: I am in such a writing slump for this story, I'm so sorry. Final exams are coming up in a few and my mind is all over the place. It'll take me another few weeks to come up with the next chapter(s), but I am trying my best to get some writing done.

Here's a chapter in Cate's POV. Enjoy reading.

Stay healthy and kind <3


*Cate's POV*

Dreams and sleep usually were some of my favourite things life had to offer. Recently, however, that has changed.

The weather cooled down drastically as winter approached with radical winds. The scenery matched the way my head had been keeping up. Empty trees, grey skies and muted colors when it came to clothing. It's been dull.

The extra cinnamon added to my morning coffee was one of the few things I was looking forward to. A chat with Mira over fried eggs and toast. It was casual chitchat, something to keep my mind off of what was to come.

"Mom?" My brows quirked as I snapped back into my body, to the kitchen island I leaned onto. "What's going on?"

Lips pursed, mug between my hands for distraction. She was too observant.

"You know the usual adult stuff." I put on a smile, but my daughter was having none of it.

"Bullshit," she huffed and hopped off her chair. Another of the things I may find to regret later on was that I did not forbid her from using foul language. I saw no point in it, since the world around us was a strange one. Additionally, my own fondness of cursing might be a factor, as well. "I'm not a kid anymore. You can talk to me." Brows furrowed she stood in front of me.

Oh, my baby...

Her hair beneath my palms I smoothed it out, the cup long forgotten. "You are my thirteen year old little miracle. Now, all you have to worry about is that tummy ache you'll have after your birthday." I kissed her forehead.

"Fourteen mom. I'm almost fourteen!" She groaned, but hugged my middle tightly.

"Such a big girl." I kissed her forehead another time, inhaling her scent. "God, can you imagine you've fit onto my hand and lower arm with ease once?!" The laugh from my lips filled our kitchen alone, until she joined in.

"No, but keep telling me this another thousand times and maybe I will magically remember it." The soft snort of giggles caused a heat to explode in my chest, tingles of nothing but adoration running through me.

"Shush," I mumbled with a beam on my face. "Grab your bag and get in the car."


Passing Delia in the hallways became more and more of a challenge. An exhausting act at that. I tried —damn hard at that— to reach out and get her to listen whilst she dodged, every time and it was not exactly innocent on her part, at least in the way she avoided me. Students and colleagues likewise glimpsed not so discreetly my way. I'd lie if I claimed it didn't gnaw on my ego. This little game she played was getting on my nerves. Until Friday came around I mostly let her be. Though, she'd been sulking for a week straight. A whole seven days after not granting me to explain the situation. This was childish. A fucking teenager move to do. My own daughter could come up with much more creative ways to get back on me. Much more.

I wasn't going to let this ruin my daughter's birthday. This weekend was hers and Delia's behavior won't ruin it.

I gave her another chance to allow me to explain everything after class. She didn't even attend 'till the end. She left with such peaceful steps down the stairs, not giving a second fuck about how it could possibly disturb my teaching.

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