12. Photographs

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It dawned me that what happened was in fact the reality, when I already drifted into the world's best slumber seen to mankind. A sleep so well needed, that I awoke the following day with a strange motivation. By the middle of the week I was not exactly relaxed, but something did change.

Palm pressed against cool glass, the door pushed open and revealed a humming silence. The art gallery was never really a place I had visited over the years, except for the parties. Therefore, I had not laid eyes onto a completely quiet building, with only your thoughts and a sort of... aura of peace laced over it. The lightning hitting full force through the large windows of the main hall, where to my surprise I spotted students working with brushes, pens and what seemed to be fabrics. Still no rustling or stoking of brushes across canvases sounded around me.

The hot breath hitting my exposed neck forced me to disturb the peace when a squeal dwelled from my lips.

Paige's arched eyebrow met me from across the hall, although my eyes were glued to her I focused on the breath against my skin.

Faint chuckles from behind me were accompanied by a hand placed on the small of my back. "You are still quite jumpy, aren't you?" Harriet cooed and her crooked grin came into view once she hugged me from the front, leaving me a little startled as I patted her on the back. Nearly being kissed on the lips, I turned my head aside on time, leaving my cheek on display.

"Usually I am not approached from behind and whispered into my ear like that." My brow cocked and she locked our arms, leading me through the hall of students, whilst not bothering to quiet down to regain that silence.

"So, you finally managed to pick up one of my calls, mhm?" She cocked her brow, smirking.

Jaw clenching, I glared at her amused smile. I would not drop the bomb right now. Growing feelings for someone sucked as much as not growing any and being the one to have to tell the one who caught them was torture. A punishment for not falling for the trap —for outsmarting the emotions.

And as for Harriet, looking into her eyes it became clear something was there on her side. She had painted this perfect image of a woman on her mind and even when she faced reality, she seemed to be falling for the trick. Listening to her laughter at the party was refreshing and having conversations about the universe was as silly as it was poetic, yet I would be having these sort of chats with Leo and Paige too. It was not romance I seek from Harriet. Pretty, brunette Harriet, the sweetest heart longing my chaotic one. It was not meant to be.

Walking in first, she threw a playful grin over her shoulder and my stomach clenched, knowing the conversation would not be waiting if she were to crush her lips to mine the second I entered. Heart pounding heavily in my chest, I brought it over with to follow her only to be met with... an empty room? Brows knitted my momentous confusion was lifted, once Harriet's head peeked out behind a black curtain to my left.

Waving me closer, the exact same fear caused me to walk closer with reluctance. And yet again when I stepped behind the curtain, when nothing but red light enlightened the small room, an arm pulled me closer. A soft squealing slipped from my throat.

Chest meeting, she glimpsed to my lips for a split second. "The light would ruin the photos," she explained and was close enough to press her lips against mine.

I thought myself to be out of the chase, until she kissed me. Eyes glued to her, I didn't do anything. Guilt coated my brain and I closed my eyes, her lips moving slower with every second, until she pulled away and I knew looking at her with the pitiful frown would make it worse.

"Harriet—" I gasped, finally grasping the courage to speak up. Though, she was nodding already and smiling with the suspected pain. Hands placed on her shoulders, I sighed and copied her movement. "Saying it is not you won't make it sound any better, but trust me when I say everyone close to you, who can experience your kindness can call themselves fortunate."

The Runaway Professor Where stories live. Discover now