06, picture perfect porcelain doll

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❝they told me all of my cages were mentalso i got wasted like all my potentialand my words shoot to kill when i'm madi have a lot of regrets about that❞

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❝they told me all of my cages were mental
so i got wasted like all my potential
and my words shoot to kill when i'm mad
i have a lot of regrets about that❞

-this is me trying, taylor swift


Talia Anderson was pacing the floor in her room as she tried to get sober. She had taken a cold shower, ate, drank almost a litre of water and was currently trying to sweat it out. Her heart beat was rapid, and the girl swore it was going to beat out of her chest. Every attempt seeming to make it worse until she finally decided to try and sleep it off.

The front door opened and the sound of her mother's shoes hitting the floor made the girl shoot up from her slumber. She grabbed her phone and checked the time. It was nearly four hours since she had gotten home and she took a deep breath. Talia stood, walked to her mirror and looked at her reflection, her high coming down but her eyes were still red.

"Talia!" The woman called out and her daughter scrambled for eye drops.

"Talia" Laurel repeated as she opened her daughters bedroom door and Talia kept her gaze at the mirror as to avoid eye contact. "Oh good, you're here" It was almost as if Talia was allowed to be out of the house, but her mother's words didn't matter. She would never tell the woman she snuck out.

"some donors for the station are coming over tonight, you need to make sure you're showered and ready to help out and see them"

"wait, what?" Talia's brows furrowed and she followed her mother. "why do I have to go to this?"

"Because I said so Talia," Her mother told her, shooing the girl back to her room. The teenager let out an annoyed sigh and moved back to her room.

Talia fell onto her bed, staring at the ceiling in defeat. She hated these dinners, and absolutely despised going to them. It was usually just Laurel bragging about Talia's accomplishments after not paying attention for the entire year.

Like showing off her perfect daughter, the daughter she doesn't even know. Not even her favorite food. It was pointless, her mother only ever wanted her to show to world she could make something laced with perfection.

It must not have occurred to Laurel Anderson that her daughter's reputation was fleeting now, an ousted kook left with one friend and that friend's group of misfit pogues.

"Talia! I better hear that shower in the next ten minutes or I swear to-"

"Okay!" Talia shouted back, anger coursing through her veins and she pushed herself up and practically marched towards her bathroom.

If taking a shower and getting ready had ever been done in spite, it would have been now. Talia cursed when she found herself making sure every inch of her skin was clean.

HOW TO: BE A POGUE | john b routledgeWhere stories live. Discover now