The Movie

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Adrien's bodyguard soon came to get him for the movie. One thing for sure that Marinette couldn't have been more happy about going to the movies with adrien plus it was a good distraction from what happened earlier that day. Marinette on her way to the movies saw a akuma going towards the movie theater and devilized it before a villain came from it. It was 5:45 and Adrien just got there and met up will Nino and Alya. Adrien was early which is normal for him. Adrien greeted Nino and Alya at the door outside the entrance of the theater. Nino was hold a cup of soda and a small bag of sweet tarts candy that they were snacking on. 

"Here are the tickets Adrien I have to help my mom with something she just called me to let me know so bye dude."

Nino handed the confused Adrien the 2 tickets and disappeared into the side of a building. Alya started to follow him and shouted,

"I got to baby sit my sisters so here is my ticket you can give it to Marinette when she gets here. Bye Adrien see you tomorrows at school!" before hurring off after Nino to who knows where. Alya didn't actually have to babysit her sisters but rather need Marinette and Adrien to be alone with each other. Alya met Nino and hid behind a phone booth and watch them from afar.Adrien just waited there for about 20 minutes before Marinette came running on the sidewalk almost tripping in the process. "Where is Alya and Nino?" Marinette asked while panting a little from running and from chasing the Akuma. Adrien didn't know what to say as Nino and Alya ditched them a few moments prier. 

"Well about that......they kinda of ditched us. Nino had to help his mom with something super last minute and Alya had babysitting." Adrien said. Then it hit him he was going to be alone with the one person that he has a crush on other tham Ladybug. Adrien was internally freaking out at the fact and was trying his best to keep it together while he was around her. A blush creeped on his cheek as he took her hand a lead her into the theater.

"Oh were late sorry I made you late." Marinette said apologetically. She felt bad for making him wait for her even though her being late wasn't necessarily her fault. On her way to the theater she saw a akuma and had to take a detour and devilize it before it found it's target. Adrien's phone buzzed from a akuma sighting that just happened a few minutes ago. "By any chance did you see the akuma before you got here?" Adrien looked at Marinette worriedly at the thought of her being involved in a akuma attack.

"Yeah but Ladybug devilized it before it could find who it was looking for. I saw her devilize it it was actually kind of cool." Marinette said trying to sound excited even though she wasn't. 

"I'm glad that Ladybug took care of that before the akuma found someone, and most importantly that you are safe and that nothing happened to you." Marinette was thrown off by this. The sincerity in his voice had thrown Marinette off but not in a bad why but in a good way. Marinette questioned what Adrien said because why did he care so much and why did he say "and most importantly that you are safe and nothing happened to you" why did he say it like that? The truth is Adrien was relieved. Adrien was glad that there wasn't a akuma and even more so the fact that Marinette was hurt and that she was safe with him. He never liked it when any of his friends was involved with a akuma, it put them in danger and that only added to the stress of the situation. 

 Adrien and Marinette walked to the small booth in front of the snack stand to get their tickets checked. Once they got their ticket checked and got some snacks and 2 sodas one for Marinette and one for Adrien and they got some candy before the movie starts. Marinette got her favorite candy which was starbursts and Adrien got a box of nerds candy. (Unpopular opinion but i actually like nerds candy)

They walked into their movies show room and found there seats. Originally Nino was going to sit next to Adrien and Marinette was going to sit next to Alya and Alya would be next to Nino but, since Nino and Alya secretly switched the tickets Adrien and Marinette are sitting next to each other.

The New Beginning-Miraculous (UNDER EDITING WHILE WRITING )Where stories live. Discover now