Why Just Why?

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Adrien and Marinette we sitting next to each other AT THE MOVIES. Both of them were secretly freaking out inside because they were so close to their crushes. The movie soon started and they were settled into their seats.  Marinette had opened her candy and was already almost done with it 30 minutes into the movie. "Want some?" Adrien whispered at Marinette. He had noticed her candy was running low and he had plenty to share. "Thanks" Marinette whispered back at him and took a hand full of his candy and started to eat some. 

Adrien found it cute that Marinette was so into the movie. Adrien didn't see what the hype around this movie was granted he never he got out of the house much so he was closed off from it more than she was. Adrien was about to make a move and attempt to wrap his arm around her shoulders when every single phone in the theater went off. "Are you kidding me NOW out of all times" that thought repeated in his head as he looked at the notification that was sent out. In bold purple lettering, "AKUMA ALERT a akuma attack was spotted by the eiffel tower Ladybug and Chat noir should arrive at the scene soon. ".

"I-I got to us the bathroom I will be righttt back." Marinette said before bolting of the show room and transforming behind one of the arcade machines next to the bathroom. Once Marinette left adrien sneaked off to the janitors closet and transformed. Adrien was surprised it wasnt locked but he didnt think or care much about it at that point because people and the city of paris was at stake.

The akuma went by quick it was another love akuma. Nor Ladybug or Chat noir got hit unlike the incident with dark cupid. By the time they got back to the theater the movie was over so they went back to their hiding/ the spot were they transformed and detransformed.Marinette ended up running into Adrien while walking to the door in the front. "The movie is already over I just got out of the bathroom line." Marinette lied while looking at Adrien. 

"I guess people went into hiding from the Akuma. They do say bathrooms are the safest place during a akuma attack for a reason. Anyways my ride is here do you want me to take you home?" Adrien asked. He hepped she would said yes so he could have a chance to confess his feelings to her. "Sure if you want. I don't have to it's only 20 minute walk it's not that far." Marinette was unsure if it would be alright her him to take her home due to his father. '"Won't you get in trouble with your father if you take me home i don't want to get you in trouble."Marinette started to doubt her answer.

"No it will be fine. Come on let's get you home." Adrien said while sliding into the window seat on the opposite side of the car and motioning her to sit next to him. Marinette got in the car and closed the car door and sat next to Adrien. "Marinette I have been thinking and this might ruin our friendship but I think you should know."

This made Marinette worry because it sounded like he did something really bad. So many question flooded her brain and she started picking at her nails out of nervousness. Adrien avoided eye contact with her and that only made her more nervous. But what Adrien was about to say she was not expecting what so ever.

"Marinette I think I have feelings for you" Adrien said looking at his feet. Adrien looked over at Marinette to find her frozen with her mouth wide open. "Marinette are you ok?" A Maroon blush covered her cheeks and she turned her head to try to hid her blush.

"Y-Yeah I-I'm fine. Do you really mean it like it's not some sick joke?" Marinette has been played before by her ex Nathaniel. Nathaniel really messed her up, after he used her and left her. Marinette has gotten over him but still has the mental problems that he left her with. "Why would I be joking about this Marinette. Your a amazing person I couldn't help but fall for you so why would i joke about that?" 

"I-I don't know why I thought you were joking but I am sorry." Marinette shook her thoughts of her ex out of her head at least the best that she can. 

"Soo do you like m-me to?" Adrien asked avoiding her gaze. He didn't but also did want to know the answer. Adrien have had feelings for her for a awhile and they have built a strong friendship. He is just hoping whatever it is that they could still be friends or more.


That was the only word she could get out. They had fallen into Alya's and Nino's plan but Marinette wasn't ready. Sure she like Adrien but she wasn't ready for a actual relationship. She had to much on her plate and her past relationship with Luka only proved she wasnt ready. She couldn't handle the responsibility of have her miraculous and having to date someone at the same time. Her making plans and then having to bail last minute because of a akuma would not only hurt her but him as well, and she couldn't do that to him.

The New Beginning-Miraculous (UNDER EDITING WHILE WRITING )Where stories live. Discover now