The broken heart

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Ladybug was sitting at the top of the Eiffel tower swinging her feet off the edge. It was 2:15 pm and school was out so it was only a matter of time until Chat Noir shows up. Ladybug was waiting for him to show up after his patrol so they could talk. After what felt like forever for Ladybug Chat noir showed up. Chat Noirs had a sad look is his eyes and Ladybug caught on to it almost instantly. 

"Hey ladybug" 

Ladybug picked up on his sad tone and wondered why he was sad. Chat was a generally happy person on the outside with him always joking around and having a contagious smile always an his face. But this time there wasn't any jokes and no smile which was heart breaking to Ladybug as she had never seen him this......sad.

"Chat what wrong?" 

"S-She rejected me."

"Who did?"

"The girl and friend.....I told you about yesterday she she rejected me. I haven't seen her since and I just .......don't want to loose her. "

Ladybug could tell his heart was broken. She also felt the same. A few tears fell on Chat Noirs cheeks and he just stood there starring off onto the city. 

"Chat I know that pain and I wouldn't wish it apon anyone. Just know that in time it will fade and I will always be there for you." Ladybug got up and hugged him and he hugged her back almost instantly. He warmth was comforting to him as he warped his arms around her keeping her close to his chest.  His heart hurt at the thought of loosing Marinette but he knew things will most likely never be the same between them as long as they had feelings for each other. Nino called him after school ended but Adrien didn't answer his call. He knew Nino cared for him and that's why he called but he didn't feel like talking to anyone other than Ladybug. Ladybug was his first love than came Kagami and than Marinette. However, through out all of the people he loved Marinette's rejection hurt more than anything. Loosing Marinette hurt more than loosing his mother.

A small blush crept on Ladybugs cheeks after being so close to his chest. Chat had let go of her and something in her felt ....disappointed.  Why did she feel disappointed? Marinette never really had feeling for Chat because she was focused on Adrien all the time. But she knew starting anything would be risky but, would it be worth it? She could deny the fact that Chat Noir was handsome with his sharp jawline and his bright green eyes and his dimples that were on his cheeks when he smiled. Could she have feelings for him deep down? That thought repeated in her head before she was distracted by someone talking.

"M'lady? Ladybug?"

"O-Oh sorry I zoned out"

"Thats ok but do you know what we are going to do about last night?"

"Do you think someone found out?" 

Chat went quiet. He was thinking about what had happened this morning before everything.....went down hill that morning before school even started.

"I don't know. I woke up and someone asked were I was last night and I lied because what was I supposed to do tell her everything. She knew I was lying but she didn't question me more than she already did and she left my room. It was...weird." 

The New Beginning-Miraculous (UNDER EDITING WHILE WRITING )Where stories live. Discover now