#moving out (2)

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Sunoo woke up early today,ofc cuz he had to go to set an appointment

He woke up at 6,took a shower,got dressed,ate breakfast,and did some of his other works and he left the house around 7:50,Sunoo came with Jake cuz he didn't knew the way so Jake was there to help him

"Your uncle's nice?"Sunoo asked

"Ofc man! He's rlly frndly too"Jake replied

They chit chatted about other things too when they reached the building,HYBE LABELS,this was the building name,he had heard about these,they're some kpop groups company,he went inside

"Um....excuse me,I'm here to set an appointment for my work,where can I go to meet the boss?"Sunoo asked the receptionist

"Pls wait a minute sir,I've to ask him first"the receptionist replied

She dialled some phone no.
and the then showed him some way

Sunoo knocked on the door,hearing a "come in"

He went inside


"Hello sir, actually I'm here cuz Jake suggested me to try for a job here"

"Oh.....what is ur name?"

"Kim Sunoo"

"How old r u?


The questions were asked and his appointment was set on Friday

He went out and sat in the car

"What happened?"Jake asked

"My appointment is set on Friday"

"Oh okay! For now let's just go to a café"


Time skips on Friday

"Dude....I'm pretty nervous"Sunoo said

"You don't have to! You'll surely get in,u've got some valuable skills!"Jake said



(I'm srry Idk what's ask in a interview or how's a interview so I skipped that part)

Sunoo was said that he'll get the results till tmrrw,he performed rlly well in the interview,the boss said if he'll get into the job then he'll probably in a higher position

"I'm tired"sunoo said

"It's okay,just come for a dinner now"his aunt said

"Will you move out after u get the job Sunoo?"his uncle asked

"I mean yeah,I don't wanna be burden on you uncle,I've ALRDY troubled you alot,but u never made me felt like I was parentless,I'll still be in contact with ya'll,don't worry"Sunoo said

"Stop it,will u make us cry now or what?"Jungwon joked

I'm srry but uk my exams r going so I'm not posting LONG part but still I hope u guys keep reading it,I'll try to post a new vid EVERYDAY so yeah...BYE!

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