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Sunoo let's out a shaky breath,as he tries not to cry while Sunghoon let's out a shaky breath,as he calms his anger

"Sunoo....have a seat first"Sunghoon said

Sunoo got seated down without saying anything

"Is something bothering u? If it it,u know u can tell me right?"Sunghoon said

Sunoo nodded

"N-no,there:s nothing lik-e t-that"Sunoo said

"There IS smth like that Sunoo,cuz from my perspective,from MY things,I've known u better then anyone else in this office,and ur a night and cheerful person but ur being lost nowadays,u often seen zoned out,u don't pay attention to anything and ur always in ur own world,u seem lost,is there smth that is bothering u,tell me,I'll try to solve it"Sunghoon comforted

How the hell am I suppose to tell u if the thing is related to u only?

"No,nothing's like that,I mean,some things r just not meant to be told to everyone,and I'm not wanting to share it"Sunoo managed to explain without any breaks

"Oh.....it's okay then,if u want,then pls take a 2-3 days leave and rest well,and comeback as u were but pls don't be lost during the work hrs,it could have been a huge loss for us,well,now I won't be scolding u,pls be well,I'll be going now...."Sunghoon said

Sunoo nodded

"I hope ur okay for now"Sunghoon said in last before leaving

Time skips,10:43 pm

It was REALLY late now,only few ppl were in the office now,everyone had left,Sunoo went to Sunghoon

"Um....could u pls....give me a ride to my home? Actually I didn't bought my car today,I came thru a bus and I don't think so that I will be able to catch a bus this late....."Sunoo asked to Sunghoon

"Oh yeah sure,why not"Sunghoon said

I'm very proud of myself,I finally asked my crush to give me a ride

Time skips,2 weeks later

Sunoo,u srsly gotta make some move,I think it's time for my 2nd plan to shine

Sunoo went in Sunghoon's cabin

Knock knock

"Come in"

Sunoo heard and went inside,he took a seat

"What happened Sunoo?"

"Actually I wanted to know if u were fr-"Sunoo was cut off by a

Knock knock

"Wait Sunoo,come in"

It was Heeseung

"What happened?"

"Actually Sunghoon,I wanted to ask if u were free this Sunday?"

Wait what

"Yes I am free this Sunday,do u have some work?"Sunghoon replied

Sunoo,it could have been u but srsly u were a Lil late,fuck my life

"Actually I'm going out of town this weekend to see my grandma,Jay is busy and Sunoo said he'll also be busy this Sunday"Heeseung said

Yeah,I was busy but u took my reason to be busy,trust me,Heeseung is my fav but rn he's being a bitch

"Oh yeah sure"Sunghoon said



......I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING FOR DAYS😭 Actually on Saturday I had my yearly's results and so I f-ed up that's why hehehe......

HATRED  |Park Sunghoon|Kim Sunoo|SunsunWhere stories live. Discover now