#he saw smn he didn't wanted to (3)

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Sunoo was laying down using his phone,when he received the message,and he was in heaven after he read that,HE GOT IN FOR THE JOB!

He went and informed everyone

"Today I'm giving a treat guys!"Sunoo then

"If it's YOU giving treat them I'll surely take that"Jake said

In the evening,Sunoo,Jungwon,Jake and their parents went to a family restaurant,they had some good food,Sunoo had to join from tmrrw,exactly at 8:00 am so they went home

Time skips,Saturday,6:34 am


Sunoo woke up,did his morning routine,took a bath,ate his breakfast,got ready and did his other stuff

"Bro,can I take ur car for today?"Sunoo asked to which Jake replied with a yes

After he reached the building,he greeted everyone and went to the boss,to ask what was his work,the boss said

"For now,u can go and sit in ur cabin,I'll be sending someone to explain u ur concepts"Mr.Sim(boss) said

"Okay Sir"Sunoo replied

He was sitting in the cabin when he heard a knock,he replied with a yes,the door creaked opened,and when he saw the person,he was shocked,angry, overwhelmed,feeling deja ,he was feeling mixed emotions



Both the guys,Sunoo and the guy said at the same time

"So you little brat is going to work with me?"that guy said

"Why is a fucker like you here Mr.Park Sunghoon!?"Sunoo said

"No no no! No violence and NO cussing,specially around me!"Sunghoon said

"C'mon,I never cuss,I only and only do it when ur around me,why r u here btw?"Sunoo said

"The boss have send me to 'explain you the concepts' "

"What! I don't wanna know a single thing from you! Can't boss send someone else?"Sunoo said

"I also don't freakin wanna do it,seems like u r here to take all my place and love from here too,like you did in the past!"Sunghoon said

"I've never did that Sunghoon....."
Sunoo replied

"Oh pls! I don't wanna see your face any longer,go manage someone else who would explain you the concept,I cant do it"He said and left from there

Why do you hate me so much......I used to love you............


Time skips

"Hey guys!"Sunoo said

Heeseung,one of his colleagues replied,"Hey! Ur new here right,have u understood the concept yet of urs?"

"Um.... unfortunately no,can u pls explain it to me?"


Heeseung explained Sunoo all of the work of Sunoo

Just like that the day passed,it was evening and it was time for everyone to leave,after that meet,Sunoo and Sunghoon nor met again not talked again

Sunoo went home and he just layed on the bed, thinking why does even Sunghoon have so much HATRED for him........

So this was it! Not the best but not the worst,keep reading,many fun things coming for you guys! Bye

HATRED  |Park Sunghoon|Kim Sunoo|SunsunWhere stories live. Discover now