#new jeans (4)

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"Hey Mr. Lee!"Sunoo said

"Hello Mr. Kim"Heeseung replied

"So,r u doing good? Like r u okay with all these works? R u liking our office?"Heeseung asked

"Ofc! Everything is just too fine and advanced......I like everything here.....except for one thing"

Sunoo said and glanced at Sunghoon,they accidently made an eye contact to which Sunoo quickly looked away

"And what is that thing that u don't like?"Heeseung asks

"It's nothing! I was just kidding!"Sunoo replied

"No u r not"Heeseung says

Sunoo and Sunghoon both made an eye contact again in which Sunoo looked away first again

Heeseung noticed the tension between so he just tossed the topic off to clear the awkwardness

"Um anyways! Do you wanna have a lunch with me later?"Heeseung asked

"Yeah sure!"Sunoo replied


Knock knock

"Come in"

"Ahem.....boss said to give you this"

Sunoo finally looked up,he just couldn't control to roll his eyes

"What is it?"Sunoo

"It's a presentation for the new group ofcourse stupid,idk how my parents used to like you more than me"Sunghoon said,rolling his eye at the last sentence

"PLS don't make me cuss in the office atleast? And why r u bringing our past again and again? I said that you could-
Ugh! Whatever I don't wanna waste my time, you can go!"Sunoo yelled

Sunghoon just left without saying anything


"New jeans! Isn't it a weird name like? Imagine you said,"I bought a new jeans!" And the police would come and take you thinking u kidnapped a newjeans member!"

Sunoo said on which his colleagues, Jay and Heeseung laughed


"Wait a damn minute-
Dude....all of the girls in this group r underage like what the actual fuc-"
Sunoo said

"Ikr,they're just going to miss their childhood"Jay said

"I mean...if they wanted to be idols,they could just wait atleast to be a adult....but no? 7th gen of kpop will be having 10 yo's I bet!"Heeseung said

"Nah but you're true"Sunoo said

"Ig we should continue our work-"Jay said making everyone realise that they've been wasting their time only

Now it was time for everyone to go home,everyone bud goodbyes

Thanks for reading! Bye

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