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It's been a few weeks now,Sunoo rlly hasn't asked Sunghoon out as he thought cuz he legit tried to ask him out 3 times and the last time he directly asked to which it was a deny so Sunoo nowadays is also trying to avoid Sunghoon as it'll be really embarrassing now...

"Good morning everyone"

"Good morning sir"

Everyone said in unison,actually it was a meeting going on related to the new grp NEWJEANS


After a few while,the meeting ended

(Idk why did I even decided to add the meeting part as it has NO use,but I did so it would actually feel like an office cuz idk what they would do in a kpop company😭)

"Hey Sunoo,will u come here for a bit....?" Heeseung called Sunoo

He went there


"What r the conditions between u and Sunghoon rn...I mean,I noticed u r trying to avoid him..?"

"Umm.....it's just...you know,its better if u don't know it"

"Oh please tell me!"Heeseung pleaded

"Umm ok...see,I tried to ask him out three times,remember,THREE TIMES"

"WHAT! THRee times...?"Heeseung shouted in middle of nowhere but he lowed his voice cuz he was getting stares

"My plan was asking him out and in the end of the day I would ask him to be my boyfriend,but the first time I asked him,Jay and you also decided to hangout with us,the second time I tried to ask,u came and asked him if he was free so u can take him to ur Village and when I tried to ask him the third time,on chat,I directly asked him if he was free but he said no he wasn't so it's just kinda embarrassing for me so yeah..."Sunoo explained

"Ohh....I'm srry I didn't knew bout it and yeah,from where did u get his no.?"

"Oh his number? I took it from the office grp"

"Oh nice move"

"Ikr,my cousin suggested me bout it"

Time skips

It was now end of the day,everyone was going to there houses,Sunoo was also getting ready to leave

"Hey Sunoo..."

This was it for today,


Thank you so much for reading,voting and commenting on my work u r literally so sweet😭

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