#set an appointment tmrrw (1)

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"dude now I'm SERIOUSLY tired"

"Ik,you've been literally looking for a job for now like....an year right Sunoo?"

"Yeah Jungwon"

Actually,Sunoo is looking for a job but he's not able to find an appropriate one,or should I say,he's not able to find any type of job,yang Jungwon,his cousin brother,has also tried to look for him but was unable

"Btw do you know Jake is coming back!"Jungwon asked

"OMG fr?"Sunoo said

"Yeah! He'll be here probably by today night only!"Jungwon Said

"That's good! I'll ask him also if he have a job for me!"

"Yeah thats a nOice idea"

Actually,Sunoo lives with his uncle cuz his parents r no more,so Sunoo wanna have his own job cuz he dosen't wanna be a burden on them so yeah

Time skips


"You're finally here Jake hyung!"Sunoo said

Jake is ANOTHER cousin of Jungwon and Sunoo

"Omg it feels so good to see you guys after like YEARS! Yoi!"Jake said

"You shld go and get freshed hyung,we'll have dinner then!"Jungwon said

"And yeah.....I also have to ask smth"Sunoo said


Time skips,after dinner,10:56pm

Rn they're in a park for a walk after dinner obviously

"Sunoo you said u wanted to ask smth?"Jake said

"Oh yeah! I forgot srry, actually....i wanted to ask if you have a job for me,like an APPROPRIATE one,I've been srsly looking for one now like for an year"Sunoo said

"Dude! If u wanted a job u shld have asked me earlier! U can work at my uncle's company,and trust me you'll get a thick amount of salary,he's rich I'm jealous of him omfg,jk but u srsly can work at his comp,and it'll be easier for u to enter cuz u're my cousin,guys can't normally enter,they shld have a valuable skill,and u have those!"Jake said


"Yeah,just say to him,"I'm here cuz Jake suggested me for a job",just don't fully depend on me now! You'll have to show ur own skills to,go and set an appointment tmrrw only!"Jake said

"Don't forget me when u get rich dude"Jungwon said

"C'mon Wonnie!"

They laughed it off,and went to their home,rn,all three r living together so yeah

So this was the end of first part,dude I was shocked becuz I got literally on rank 2 after I posted only the introduction so I'll try my best to bring this ff out nice! Actually my exams have started for today and my first one is Physics 💀 and I haven't properly studied anything-
So see ya'll next time! Bye

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