#murderor (5)

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It's been 1 week alrdy since Sunoo started to work at the HYBE,he has made some good frnds too,except for Sunghoon,they still bicker around,not like frnds but serious bickering which would include cuss words and all

Rn....Sunoo was in the coffee bar making a coffee for him when Sunghoon also entered there,Sunoo just ignored him and continued his work when

"Seems like someone is enjoying making frnds,huh!"Sunghoon blurted

Sunoo just ignored him

"Do you wanna meet my parents again?"Sunghoon says,it was a sarcasm

"The fuck is wrong with you,why the fuck can't you mind your own fucking business you fucker!?" Sunoo,rlly fed up said

Sunghoon took the boiling water from the machine and "accidentally" pours it at Sunoo hand


"Oh!I'm so sorry~~ do it hurts?"Sunghoon says


He quickly rinse his hands in cold water

"I said it was a mistake,why r u shouting" Sunghoon says,trying the best to pull out the victim card

"Oh! So it was a mistake,so if I take my hand and slaps you on your cheek like this" Sunoo says and slaps Sunghoon

"That means that this was a mistake too?" Sunoo says

But that was where he fucked up,Sunghoon got pissed and he started CHOKING Sunoo

"L-leave me yo-you fuc-fucker" Sunoo said,his breath breaking in between

"I guess you didn't got any pleasure from taking the love from my parents that was supposed to be MINE!"

"Y-you are ou-outta ur min-mind!" Sunoo says

"L-leave me or I'll die f-for re-real!"
Sunoo says

"I'm choking you so that u can die only! Dumb"

Sunoo ACTUALLY started to slowly lose his breath when the one and only hero Heeseung came to the rescue

"SUNGHOON THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!? LEAVE HIM OR HE'LL DIE" He said and pushed Sunghoon away from Sunoo,he passed a glass of water to Sunoo

"Are you....okay Sunoo?"


Sunoo slowly walks to Sunghoon

Only to give him a slap and say

"Be in your limits you mother fucking bitch"

He says and walks away

"Sunghoon WHAT was that?"Heeseung asks

Sunghoon stays silent

"Do you even realise that if I would have been a MINUTE late......then you would have been a murderer?!"

"Why do you even hate him so much? What has he done to you?Heeseung asks

The story telling in the next part,and I'm srry I won't be able to post the part tmrrw,will post it on Monday,cuz on Monday I've my maths exam so I rlly have to study

HATRED  |Park Sunghoon|Kim Sunoo|SunsunWhere stories live. Discover now