#he loved him(6)

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"you don't know that's why you're being like this....."

"Sunghoon....you know you can share anything with me right? Just tell me,what happened between you two in the past,feel free to tell me"Heeseung replied to Sunghoon

"Actually.....it all started when we were little,we used to be bestfrnds when we were young.....but in studies he was better than me,he scored higher marks than me.....he was better than me in everything......that's why my parents used to love him WAY MORE they used to do with me....... they never paid attention to me,they never saw the efforts I've also made.....they just cared about him,he took all of my parent's love that was supposed to be mine....I also wanted to be loved like other kids....he would always get much more than me....that's why I started.........hating him slowly........."Sunghoon explained

"Sunghoon.....I understand how you feel.....but it wasn't his fault either,I won't lie.....but it is your parent's fault....they were suppose to pay attention to you also,but they just paid it to him.....just realise it Sunghoon,he never did anything wrong....just think of it,take your time.....okay? I'll talk to him too......go and have a coffee for now....rest for now......okay?"Heeseung said


Sunoo was in his cabin,he had his head downed,he let the person come in,it was Heeseung so he layed his head on the desk again

"What do you want Me.Lee? Is there anything I can help you with?"Sunoo said

"Sunoo.....I wanna have a normal talk with you rn.....let's go and get some fresh air for now"Hee said and grabbed Sunoo's hand pulling him out

In the garden

"What do you wanna talk about Heeseung?"

"first of all I'm older than you so you don't have a choice whether to call me hyung or not,you HAVE to call me hyung"

"What do you wanna talk about Heeseung HYUNG"

"Geez calm down,I just wanted to ask..........what exactly happened between......you and Sunghoon"Heeseung finally asked

"If you wanna talk bout this then I'm goi-"

Sunoo was cut off by Heeseung

"No wait! You can share it with me....see Sunoo,Sunghoon has also told me everything,you can also! Your heart will be the one that'll get light if you share it with someone........I just wanted to ask......"Heeseung said

"I-I used to love him Hyung..........."


The silence there was too loud,Sunoo's eyes was watery while Heeseung was shocked about what he heard

"It all started when me and Sunghoon were kids....we were bestfrnds until his one doubt came in it,according to him.....his parents loved me more than him which was true......Instead of loving their own kid they loved someone else's kid.......that's why started to hate me......I tried to maintain things but I couldn't.....I did it cuz I used to love him.....I had a crush on him....and I still did untill today......he srsly do hate me......"

Sunoo explained....he still had tear in his eyes but they started to fall as soon as he finished the para

Heeseung just hugged him patting his back,what Heeseung heard from Sunoo was exact same thing that Sunghoon told him...only one thing was new,the crush thing

On this day.....Heeseung swore that he'll solve everything between them and he'll MADE them date eachother

Longer chapter cuz I didn't posted for two days,pls don't be a silent reader🙂

HATRED  |Park Sunghoon|Kim Sunoo|SunsunWhere stories live. Discover now