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The day has come.....


I can officially make HIM MINE

die to all the bitches who tried to date Sunghoon

I was excited asf about what to wear

I had 3 HOURS EARLIER than usual

I usually wake up at 9-10 am but I woke at 6:33 am today

Altho he'll be here till 2pm but yeah

The first ever thing I did after waking up was clean but dirty ass house which I probably haven't clean for days

After that I had my breakfast

Pancakes only,no eggs or tea or anything ,nothing,only pancakes so that my mouth dosen't atleast stink

After that I cleaned the kitchen too

7:55 till now

I went and used my phone for nearly ten minutes then I went to choose an outfit

My theme wasn't hot but cute

I'll have to look AS cute AS possible

Like rlly cute

I opened my closet,good thing, I've got all type of clothes,like cute,hot,classic and all,things rlly do depend on my mood

I took a brown coloured t-shirt,light beige pants with beige converse

Sunoo's outfit☝🏻

I went to take a bath,i cleaned myself rlly well and I also used my NEW body wash that I've been waiting to use for a long time and so I then started getting ready


I took 2hrs to take a bath....?


I then started doing my hair,at first I thought I should just leave it as it is but then I settled it down

I thought to take a gift so I went to the nearby shop,it's a rlly aesthetic type shop,I know the owner a Lil too well too

I a took a decorative vase......

For my house cuz it was look too good

And for Sunghoon,I took a coffee set-


He'll be here soon

I just sat and scrolled on my phone

I got message

I thought it would have been from Sunghoon

But it was Jungwon

'dude,will u come to a night over?"

I typed

"I'm srry bruh,I going somewhere out"

"Without me!!?"

"With Sunghoon"

"Ooohhhh~~👽👽👽👽,someone's getting a boyfriend"

"Shut up!"

"Why should I"

"Cuz he'll be here At any time to pick me up"

"Oh,so ig bye"


I again recieved a message and it was indeed from Sunghoon

He said,"be ready,I'll be there in five minutes"

So this much is it for today,thanks for reading!!???

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