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Next day

"Mr.Kim,Mr.Park is calling you"

Sunghoon's P.A said to Sunoo who was just sitting in his cabin


"Sunoo where is that New Jeans file project that was handed to you.....?"Sunghoon asked kinda triggered but calmed

"Umm...I-I don't remember lemme just find it in the cabin...."Sunoo said


Sunoo went and tried to find that file but he wasn't able to,that was a REALY IMPORTANT file for them,they've been working on this group for over 3-4 months now,so Sunoo was rlly scared if he had lose that,he's lost lately so he isn't able to take care of things nowadays

"Oh shit I can't find....oml where is that I wanna cry......"Sunoo talked to himself in an almost crying tone

"Oh sh-"

"How will you find it Sunoo,if it is with me"

Sunoo entered his cabin and interrupted,Sunoo is sure that he's dead cuz he's sure Sunghoon jad find that find in some inappropriate place

"And....do you know where did I found it? TELL ME DO U EVEN KNOW WJERE DID I FOUND IT?!?"Sunghoon shouted(altho he shouldn't)

Sunoo flinched,he nodded his head in a no

"I found it.....,outside the building........,in a nearby café"

Sunghoon said,triggered asf but he kept himself calm

Sunoo gasped,he just rembered that he was told to bring the file to his home and work from home,so he first went to a café and forgot that file there only and then he forgot about to work also

"I-I just,h-how did u find i-t?"Sunoo hesistantly asked

"It was the staff there,she said when she was cleaning up she found a file there so she came to return it today cuz she read the name HYBE LABELS on top of it,it was that she was so kind or what if she has stolen this,she would have got a thick amount of money if she would have sold it to some saesang for spreading the things,do u know that? Do u know that we would have been in a trouble ,do u know this thing,where r u nowadays Sunoo,if something is bothering u pls tell me and take a leave for few week,return when u get well but no need to work with such a lost soul,ARE U GETTING IT?"Sunghoon shouted in the last once again

Sunoo's eyes got teary cuz first of all he need some comfort and now he's getting scolded,he nodded

"Seems like u don't have a mouth to say smth"Sunghoon legit threw sarcasm


This much for today!

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