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It's been a month since that apology,Sunoo's and Sunghoon's condition is getting better u can say?....
Not sure about these two,but Heeseung
He was happy asf like he won a war,he thinks that the promise he made is kinda coming true......

"Good morning Mr.Kim"

"Good morning Park"

They greeted e/o and others and went to work

Sunoo was sitting infront of his monitor,not working or typing,he was zoned out,he was thinking whether to accept Sunghoon's apology or not,remember Sunoo said,"I'll think about it later",he still haven't answered to that,before accepting,he'll ask to his cousins,Jake,Jungwon and Niki

At night,11:43 pm

"Hello guys"Sunoo said

"Hey Sunoo"Jake replied

"Why did u called us?"Jungwon asked

"Is there anything important"Niki said

They were on a conference call

"I wanted some opinions from u guys"


"Do u guys remember that I told u about the Sunghoon apology?"


"so I wanted to ask whether I shld forgive him or not......"

"You still haven't forgive him?"

"Um no..."

"You shld Sunoo,tbh,he must be guilty and everyone deserves a second chance"Jake said

"Well that's a kind of opinion I tbh expected from u hyung...."Sunoo replied

"Why!?"Jake said

"Anyways,what do u two think about it?"Sunoo asked the younger ones

They ALSO agreed with a yes,Sunoo decided that he'll just forgive him and talk out the things

Times skips,next day,10:56 am

"Mr.Park,Mr.Kim Sunoo is calling you"Sunoo's assistant came to inform Sunghoon

In Sunoo's cabin

"What do u wanna talk about?"

"So,have a seat first,remember so gave me an 'apology'?"Sunoo said

Sunghoon smirked,and replied with a yes

"So I forgive u........"

"Oh em gee,fr?"

Sunghoon says,he seemed excited,so probably he can make a kind of move or what?

"Yeah....but what u did to me,u don't deserve a forgiveness but everyone deserves a second chance so why not?"

Sunoo says,reminding Sunghoon what he did was not a thing to be happy

"Then I guess.....I'm forgiven?"

"Yes u r.... I don't want u to repeat that shitty mistake of yours ever again"Sunoo warned

"Yes"Sunghoon replied

Time skips,octuber 23rd,10:46 am

"Good morning Mr.Lee"Sunoo greeted

"Good morning Mr.Kim"Heeseung replied

"Good morning Mr.Kim"

"morn Park"Sunoo said with a total of 0 interest

"Why can't u reply like ur doing it with others?!" Sunghoon Said

"Good.Morning.Mr.Park"Sunoo said

" Are u happy now?" Sunoo asked

And dumb Sunghoon replied with a yes


It'd been 1 month since that forgiveness and all,today was a grand party at their office for its promotion

Sunoo entered the venue,the music was loud like at a club,but the difference was that there were decent songs and simple pastle coloured lights glowing unlike clubs

Sunoo greeted all his fellow members and went to the bar,he seatled their and took a shot when Sunghoon and Heeseung came including Jay

"Why don't we play a game?"Jay suggested

"Like what?"Heeseung asked

"Never have I ever"Sunghoon said

" And how do we play that?"Sunoo asked

" We'll ask questions from e/o,and then the one who has did the thing will have to take a shot"Sunghoon explained

"Oh em gee,seems like an interesting one"Heeseung said

They started playing the game

Srry I haven't posted for days,this ff is coming to an end,but not so soon,but soon

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