#caramel Latte Frapucchino (9)

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Sunoo took a leave today cuz he wasn't ready to Sunghoon after what he did

Now the things won't be good between them,it'll all be awkward

Sunoo dialled some phone no.

"Hello Niki!"

"Hi...what happened? Why r u sounding so serious?"

"U won't belive what happened with me yesterday!"


"Do u remember I told u that Sunghoon chocked m-"

"Oh yeah that mf"

"He came saying sorry to me yesterday!"


"OMFG yes! And u won't belive,day before yesterday,at night I was thinking that I should just ignore him and he'll himself come crawling to me and HE REALLY DID!"

"Ong bitch u better not be joking!"

"Oh fuck I am not!"

"Not only this! He also did something you know.....unholy"

"Oh my fuck! What the hell did he do?"

"He first back-hugged me then he kissed my neck!"



"Niki what happened why r u shouting?"

Sunoo heard background voice from Niki's side

"Mom I was talking to Sunoo!"

"Omg hello Auntie,long time no see"

"Oh hello Sunoo! Why r u guys shouting so much?"

"Um......I-I was telling him a true..... horror incident that happened with one of my colleague's"

"Oh! Btw I hope you your family is good?"

"Oh yeah they're all good! When r u guys coming btw? We miss ya'll"

"Oh yeah! Actually his dad isn't getting leaves and only work so we're not able to figure it out"

"Okay! I hope to see u guys here soon"

"Okay so I'll go I've alot of work"


"Seems like we've been shouting rlly ugly and loud"Niki says

"Fr man"

Sunoo and Niki talked for some more time then they hunged uo

Sunoo decided to have a walk to some nearby café

"One Caramel Latte frapucchino please!"

Sunoo ordered and went to a random seat and started scorrling on his phone

He was so emerged in his phone that he didn't even noticed that someone came and sat infront of him

"Caramel Latte Frapucchino ready,please take ur order"

He went and took his order,and came back,now he finally look up from his phone cuz he had to drink and that's when he saw him sitting infront of him


Everyone gave Sunoo side eye while Sunghoon laughed

"Dude tf?

"What tf?"

"U creep! From when have u been sitting here?"

"Almost 10-15 minutes?"

"What? How come I didn't noticed YOU?

"Idk? U were emerged in ur phone a Lil too much ig....."

Sunoo just rolled his eyes
This much is it for today! Bye

HATRED  |Park Sunghoon|Kim Sunoo|SunsunWhere stories live. Discover now