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So here's the bonus as I said!

Today was the first time ever Sunoo and Sunghoon were going to office.....as a couple

They came to office together but they decided to keep it a secret

But little did Heeseung know that smth was going on between them as whenever Sunoo talked Sunghoon would look at him with shining eyes and Sunoo would just get shy at that thing

"Mr.Kim,Mr.Lee Heeseung is calling u to his cabinate"the normal servant of the office said to Sunoo

Sunoo went and knock,he went inside once he heard the "come in"

"Have a seat Sunoo"Heeseung said

"Yeah...btw what happened? Did you called me?" Sunoo asked

"Yeah....just be honest with me,is there really somthing going on in between you and Sunghoon? Be honest"Heeseung stated

Sunoo gulped

"No" Sunoo managed to not stutter

"I said be honest"

"I'm being honest"

"You really think I don't know a thing?"


"R u not trusting ME Sunoo!?"

Sunoo sighed


Heeseung banged the table in excitement

"I knew it! Now tell me everything"

"He took me out just to normally hangout and I thought that I would confess it to him in the end but he did it to me"

"Omg fr!?"


"That's SO cute! I wish u guys a happy life.....!!" Heeseung greeted

"Thankyou... To be honest it all happened because of you! If you wouldn't have made me realised that he's actually misunderstood so we would have been a still rivals....."

"There's no need for that! Just remember me as a cupid"


"Btw I need to go,I've alot of work" Sunoo said



"Hey Hoon! Why don't we do smth fun tmrrw on Sunday?! I'll be just bored sitting up there"Sunoo asked

"Yeah I was thinking the same... Then what should we do?"Sunghoon asked

"Umm....why don't we make cookies!?"Sunoo said

"Oh yeah! That's a really nice idea..!"Sunghoon replied

"Then come at my house"

"Then come at my house"

Both said at the same time

"Sunoo u should just be at my house"Sunghoon said

"Yeah but ig we can just be at my h-

"No! We'll be at my house!"Sunghoon said

"Ugh,okay...then I'll be there till 1pm"Sunoo said



Ding dong

"Seems like he's here"Sunghoon said

He went and opened the door

"U r finally here!"Sunghoon said

Sunoo hugged him

"I missed you"Sunoo said

"But we just met yesterday"Sunghoon said

"Still!"Sunoo whined

Sunghoon gave a peck on Sunoo's lips and they both went inside

"AHHH I'm so excited to make these!!"Sunoo said in excitement

"Yeah yeah let's get started now"Sunghoon said

They both started following the recipe,everything was going well until

"Sunoo it says add flour now-"


And then Sunoo added 2 LARGE CUPS OF FLOUR

"I-it said to add only...one small cup of white flour...." Sunghoon said in disbelief

"Umm.....u should have told me earlier...."

"But u just cutted me off!"Sunghoon said

"N-no worries....well just add extra things to it to balance them...."


A few inches later

"WOW IT IS FINALLY DONE!!"Sunoo shouted in excitement

"Yeah! So excited to taste it!!"Sunghoon agreed too

They tasted the cookies and actually they tasted pretty good even after the chaos made by Sunoo earlier

"Whoa it's actually not that bad!"Sunghoon said

"Right!? They taste good"

Like that...they watched some movies and had fun

They were heaven match made

They were together forever

"I love you"

"I love you too"

~the end

HATRED  |Park Sunghoon|Kim Sunoo|SunsunWhere stories live. Discover now