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Time skip after 45 min

Taehyung's panic continued to rise as the clock ticked closer to the meeting time. His heart pounded in his chest, his palms grew clammy with anxiety. He desperately scoured every corner of his house and even sought help from Jimin and the others, but the file was nowhere to be found. He had searched everywhere, from his own cabin to the entire office space, but it was as if the file had vanished into thin air.

As he is thinking from where he can bring the file while sitting in his cabin on chair and gripping his hair in his hand. Suddenly the landline started ringing his office , He knew whose phone was this , He took a really deep breath and picked up the phone and put it near his ear. But before any words came from his throats the person from the other side said

"In my office now"

He spoke in a calm, deadpan voice, leaving no room for discussion. Before Taehyung could even think of a response, Jungkook abruptly ended the call, leaving the young man with a sense of foreboding.

Taehyung's heart pounded rapidly in his chest as he walked towards Jungkook's cabin, each step he took making his nerves grow. His footsteps echoed loudly against the flooring, the sound of his shoes striking the ground filling the air with a rhythmic "thap, thap, thap."

With every step, Taehyung's apprehension increased, and he desperately didn't want to agitate his already furious boss further. As he reached the door, he swallowed hard and mustered the courage to knock. His knuckles rapped softly against the wood, and after a moment, a response came.

"Come in"

Taehyung stood there, his head bowed, feeling the weight of the uncomfortable silence in the room. He desperately wanted to say something, anything, but the words seemed to be stuck in his throat, paralyzed by his anxiety.

Just as he mustered up the courage to speak, Jungkook suddenly stood up, causing the chair to creak, making a sound that seemed to echo loudly in the tense atmosphere.

I apologize for the confusion previously, and thank you for pointing out the mistake. To rectify it, here is the revised content with Taehyung's response included:

Jungkook continued to approach Taehyung, his anger obvious and his clenched fists speaking volumes about his agitation. He stopped right in front of Taehyung, towering over him with a dark look.

"You don't have to say anything. I already know you didn't find the file. I have scheduled the meeting for three days later," Jungkook stated, his voice dripping with barely contained fury.


Jungkook towered over Taehyung, veins popping out from his arms as he yelled, his voice booming, "DID I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO SPEAK? HUH?! TELL ME, DID I?! His muscles flexed, the tattoos snaking up his arms making him look even more intimidating. Taehyung, in response, cowered, feeling like prey caught in the clutches of a beast, his eyes darted around in terror. The veins on Jungkook's head were beginning to throb as his anger continued to rise.

Taehyung flinched, but quickly remembered Jungkook's order to speak in words. His voice trembled as he responded, "No... sir."
The anger in Jungkook's eyes simmered slightly, but he still glared at Taehyung, his muscles tense, as if ready to pounce at any moment.

Jungkook's voice boomed through the room as he approached Taehyung with aggressive strides. Taehyung pressed himself against the wall as Jungkook cornered him, his heart pounding in his chest. "YOU ARE THE MOST CARELESS, DUMB HUMAN I HAVE EVER SEEN!" Jungkook snarled. "I GAVE YOU THE RESPONSIBILITY OF A BIG PROJECT AND WHAT DID YOU DO WITH IT!"
Jungkook pressed closer, his arms on either side of Tae, trapping him against the wall. His gaze was intense, dark with anger.

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