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Now jungkook and tae both are standing in front of a big amusement park while tae has a face of aww as he was entering a amusement park after really a long time. The last time he came was with his friends in college time in weekend.

"So let's start...do we bub?" Jungkook said with a soft smile adoring his face after seeing his lover look really etheral in evening lights .

"Yeah ..let's go" with that tae begin to run towards the amusement park but got stop by a hold on his collar and being pulled back to a glaring jungkook making him let out a laugh nervously.

"This is the last time I am letting it go" jungkook said is full seriousness in his voice making the silver head boy nodded repeatedly.

"So let's start from the rides" tae said earning a nodd from the elder.

With that both enter and start riding different different rides, enjoying every moment of their time. Tae has big box like smile on his face while jungkook has a soft one seeing his baby happy.

"Kookie kookie let's go play that game" tae said pointing at a certain stall where so many plushies are sticked to wall and you can win any by aiming at the macthbox that is place top on their heads by a play gun.


The uncle who was the owner of the shop gave 5 bullets to jk with a play gun to shoot. The black haired male close his one eye than aim the bunny plushies that his baby want.


But it got missed as the bullet was not even shooted near the plushies but at the roof of the shop making the happy and excited face of his lover fall.

"Don't worry sweetheart, we have four more bullets left"

"It was not even near..I mean u sure?" Tae said making a suspicious face not taking jungkook words.

"It was just trial love...u see I will really shoot this time" jungkook said sending a wink to taehyung who try not to blush making jungkook chuckle.




Jungkook was aiming for the fifth time to shoot but not able to as his hair got pull by a fist that belongs to his lover who is really disappointed and angry.

"U dont have to do that much big work my lord ...this peasant will do it by himself so u can take a little bit of rest" tae said sarcastically while still pulling jungkook to side by his hair who was trying to calm his angry tiger.

"But you are not a peasant love...u are my queen..ouch" jungkook hiss as taehyung pull his ear not that much harshly but also not gently.

"I. SAID. I. DONT. WANT. YOUR. HELP. SO. GET. UR. ASS. OFF. FROM. HERE." Tae yell pressuring his each word telling jungkook that he is fed up.

"Baby ...u are taking me wrong just give me one single chance i will not disappoint my little puppy this time ...ok?"jungkook said showing his big doe eyes trying to melt his lover's heart and who was he to not melt at his lover innocent looking eyes so he just nodded but there was someone who was getting mini heart attack by looking at there boss being just a Lil baby while with them he is not less than a devil himself.


"Whaaooo I know it...I know it ...my boyfriend is perfect in everything" the silver haired male said while giving a rushy kiss to his lover on his cheek and making grabbing hand towards the bunny plushi as jungkook has win it by shooting the play bullet on his head.

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